Title: Paper Cup Author: jibunnohana Theme: 18. dream Rating: PG Pairing: Ni~ya x Sakito (Nightmare) Disclaimer: Not mine. Comments: I guess it's a bit long for a one-shot. Meh.
You have NO idea how ecstatic I was to see this on my friends list XD Aww I feel so sorry for Saki, it's the worst when you wake up from such an amazing dream, you'd just do ANYTHING to make it real or to go back into it! Adored it! I really love your NiSakis sooooo much!
You don't know how hard I tried to suppress loud squealing while reading this. SAKITO IS A PRINCESS IN HIS OWN RIGHT!!! Oh well... *collects herself* This is unenduringly good, like how you have described things and I am just so happy to see things like this in my f-page. I almost hit my head with the nearby things when I saw the part about Ni~ya's conquests. XD However, the concept of gypsies gave me an unsettling feeling, after having read about gypsies casting curses about people having their flesh eaten away. But then, if you'll have gypsies as handsome as Ni~ya, I guess that wouldn't be much of a problem. I really enjoyed this, like a breath fo fresh air after struggling a day of irritating work on researches and stuff. Thanks~ ♥
Comments 19
But ooh~ It was pretty " o__o Really. >.< +hugs story+ +puts to memories+ xD <333333333
I'm so unoriginal in my comments lately... xD; I'm sorry !
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I wasn't sure how people would like this one, but then I guess that's my usual state of mind. XD;; ♥
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