Title: The Racoon Affair Author: jibunnohana Theme: 25. holiday/vacation Rating: PG-ish Pairing: Ni~yaxSakito (Nightmare) Disclaimer: Still not mine. Comments: This is really airheaded and pointless. I didn't proofread it either. :B
I remember having a raccoon as a stuff toy, a small one in fact. They are cute and... I don't know if they are funny. I have never interacted with one. O_O
And YAY! Thank you, it's looks perfect... :) Damn the navigation bar...
Your NiSakis send me into fits of joy! I love the way it's being told to a nosy Yomi xD And his indignance at missing out the 'best part' *dies* Love love love... *dances off for a memory-add*
Comments 7
I love it. it's so random, it's cute. and funny.
Anyway, a night alone in a cabin would be fun... less the noises, I think. XD
BTW, have you fixed the NiSaki comm? There's something wrong with the layout. Fix it? Please?
I fixed it. I think... O.o Check and see?
And YAY! Thank you, it's looks perfect... :) Damn the navigation bar...
Your NiSakis send me into fits of joy! I love the way it's being told to a nosy Yomi xD And his indignance at missing out the 'best part' *dies* Love love love... *dances off for a memory-add*
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