Title: Detective Conan
Volume: 11 (chapters 101-110)
Author: Aoyama Goushou (Gōshō Aoyama)
Genre: Murder Mystery
Themes: Murder, crime, drama, secrets
Book details: Manga, aprox. 193 pages
My Rating: 4/5
Case 1: Continuing from the previous volume, Conan ascertains who the murderer is - now he just has to prove it to everyone else and learn the motives behind the murder.
Case 2: The murderer is clear - but the method of murder is unfathomable, leading the investigators astray. Luckily, Conan is there to help.
Case 3: A murder occurs and a strange women named Kisaki Eri is a suspect. -
Wikipedia Case 4: Stuck in the middle of a forest, Conan, Ran, and Kogorou seek shelter at a temple where a Tengu (long-nosed goblin) is said to have murdered people. That night, the elder priest is found dead, hanging from a beam in a room with an incredibly high ceiling. No one could possibly have hanged himself from up there, and it couldn't be the work of any other human. Could the mythical Tengu really have done it? -
Wikipedia My Review:
Case 1: Interesting read.
Case 2: My least favorite so far, maybe because it was obvious from the beginning who the killer was. I like when it really keeps you guessing and the end culprit is a surprise. On the other hand, it was interesting to find out how he did it.
Case 3: We get to meet someone special in Ran’s life. Only, that person comes under suspicion when a new case appears… It was very interesting to see how the truth was revealed. We also get to find out more background on the Mouri family.
Case 4: Okay case. I wasn’t really interested in trying to figure out who the killer was, but it was interesting to read about the ‘trick’!
Extra: Aoyama included info about another fictional detective in his “Pocket Encyclopedia of Detectives” page~!