Table 18 complete! (Kuroshitsuji, Soma/Agni)

May 31, 2011 15:12

Title: Sleepless Night
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Pairing: Some/Agni
Table/Prompt: 18/ all or nothing
Words: 300
Rating: OT
Warnings: none
Summary: Takes place the night of the curry competition, Soma can’t sleep, so he lies awake, thinking about Agni…

Soma, unable to sleep, rolled over and watched Agni’s sleeping form. I can’t believe how much I missed him, and yet, he was only gone a few days… He sighed softly as he reached for his beloved’s hand.

Agni made him feel loved and cherished in a way no one ever did. Not even his grandfather or Meena had come close to loving him with a single-minded selflessness that left Soma with a deep sense of awe. Arrogant and used to getting his own way, Soma was terribly lonely and starved for affection. But Agni changed all that, simply by loving him, even when things seemed otherwise.

Soma let out a soft snort of wry amusement when he realized how subtly Agni had guided him, shaping him into the kind of man that would command respect, instead of demanding it. He also realized with a start, just how sparingly his beloved gave his trust and friendship to others. It was “all or nothing” with Agni and Soma felt lucky to be counted in that treasured few, never realizing that he alone had Agni’s heart, while the rest were the ones lucky enough to be called friends.

Agni stirred in his sleep as he slowly surfaced from his dream. He smiled sleepily at his beloved. I’m still here, my prince… He moved his hand closer to his face so that he could kiss Soma’s fingers. “Is something troubling you, my prince…?” he murmured in the darkness.

“No…” Soma whispered in reply. “I just couldn’t sleep.”

“I see… Come, lay here with me, my prince, and I’ll hold you.” Agni, letting go of Soma’s fingers, lifted his arm. Soma snuggled up against him, and rolling over to face away from Agni, he sighed softly when he spooned in behind him. “Sleep well, my prince…”

“You too, Agni…”

Title: Forgiveness…
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Pairing: Some/Agni
Table/Prompt: 18/ a trickle of blood
Words: 300
Rating: OT
Warnings: mildly spoiler-ish for the end of the curry arc
Summary: Takes place during the curry competition, Soma and Agni reconcile…

Walking past Meena, Soma noticed Agni curled up on the ground at Sebastian’s feet. He also appeared to be crying so hard his tears looked like a trickle of blood leaking from his eyes. As much as he feared Sebastian, the prince none-the-less hurried over to them.

“Agni… You stayed by this foolish prince’s side… and you continued to do so even when we were separated… I’m very sorry for making you shoulder such a heavy burden on my behalf…” Soma said softly, ignoring the others. He hated the hurt he saw in Agni’s eyes when he looked up at him. Extending his hand out to him, Soma said, “Will you stay by my side and be my khansama…?”

Agni, overcome with emotion as he was worried his beloved prince no longer cared for him, leaned back against his heels. He had stopped crying tears of blood, although he was still crying softly as he took Soma’s hand. “If that is what my prince desires, so shall it be…” he said softly.

“It is…” Soma said with a smile as his eyes misted over with unshed tears of his own.

“I’m sorry, my prince…”

“I’m sorry too, Agni, sorry that I doubted you…” Soma reached out to wipe away his tears. “Meena was right; I am a selfish brat… Can you ever forgive me?”

“No, you’re not, my prince.”

“Yes, I was… but enough of that!” He smiled at Agni. “Come; let’s go enjoy the rest of this English festival of India.”

“If that is what my prince desires, so shall it be…” Agni said softly.

Soma nodded. “Agni …”

“My prince…?”

Soma sighed. “I’m sorry; you lost the curry competition…”

“I’m not.”




Agni smiled. His beloved prince was happy again and that was all that mattered…

Title: A Lifetime with You
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Pairing: Some/Agni
Table/Prompt: 18/ a lifetime in this breath
Words: 389
Rating: T
Warnings: mildly spoiler-ish for the curry arc
Summary: Agni reflects on his life with Soma…

When Soma had freed him and declared him to be reborn with a new name and a new life, Agni had felt as though he had lived a lifetime in the breath he had been holding. He remembered looking up, and thinking it was a god he was seeing and not a foolish boy. It was then that he had decided to dedicate his life to the prince, who seemed as beautiful and ethereal to him as his namesake, the god of the moon. Since he could never repay him for his kindness, Soma’s happiness became the most important thing in Agni’s life.

However, as the days passed into weeks and the weeks became months, Agni realized his devotion to Soma had become love for him. Even though it rankled a bit that the prince was in love with another, Agni did his best to alleviate Soma’s frustrations while holding onto a tiny spark of hope that one day the prince would come to love him too. So as their friendship deepened, they became lovers with the help of a stolen kiss much to Agni’s delight.

And when it came time to protect his beloved prince, it was a simple matter to use the excuse of chasing after the woman, whom Soma loved, but did not return his love. Agni even went so far as to allow himself to be used in ways he would never have put up with, if not for his selfless desire to put Soma’s happiness above his own, after he had found her. Fearing he had lost Soma forever once the deception was revealed, Agni was shocked to find the prince still wanted him by his side, even going so far as to apologize for his selfishness.

Taking a deep breath, Agni found himself living another lifetime in the breath he was holding. This time, it was as Soma’s lover, while quietly playing the part of the prince’s khansama or babysitter as his friend, Sebastian, liked to put it. Plus Soma enjoyed being the governor of young Master Ciel’s London townhouse and when Agni thought about it, it was better than languishing in the palace and subjected to his elder brother’s whims once he became the maharajah. Besides, helping his beloved prince become a “great man” was infinitely more rewarding in Agni’s humble opinion…

Title: Highly Amusing…
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Pairing: Some/Agni
Table/Prompt: 18/ a funny thing happened
Words: 322
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Soma and Lizzie find Agni’s pratfall highly amusing…

“A funny thing happened at the marketplace today,” Soma chortled. He laughed as the memory replayed itself in his head.

“It was so funny, Ciel,” Lizzie giggled.

“You had to be there!” Soma laughed until he cried. “You should have seen it…” he wheezed. “It was too funny…”

Lizzie couldn’t stop giggling. “I’m so glad I ran into you, Prince Soma!” she chirped.

Soma nodded. “Poor Agni… I would have been mortified!” Catching Lizzie’s eye, he erupted in silent laughter, his whole body shaking as he tried to contain his mirth.

Lizzie clamped her hand over her mouth as desperately tried to stop giggling. Looking away from Soma in an attempt to calm down, she saw the same unamused look on Ciel’s face that Agni wore when he slipped and landed on his butt in a pile of fresh horse dung and other assorted garbage. “Oh my goodness! You look just like Mister Agni did, Ciel!”

Soma looked over at him and laughed so hard, it sounded more like pitiful gasping for breath than anything else. He and Lizzie clung to each other, laughing themselves silly.

Ciel, who was clearly not amused, said, “Oh really…” Looking over at Agni, who stood patiently behind Soma, a teapot in hand, he asked, “What exactly happened?”

Agni sighed softly. “I simply fell and landed on my bottom in pile of horse dung,” he said matter-of-factly.

“Eww…” Ciel said, with a look of disgust on his face. “That’s not funny.”

“Exactly,” Agni replied.

“Indeed,” Sebastian agreed.

Quickly sobering, Soma turned to his beloved khansama and said, “I’m sorry, Agni… you’re right; it’s not funny.”

Lizzie also apologized. “Sorry, Mister Agni…”

Agni simply nodded.

Sebastian, under the pretense of getting another slice of cake from the tea cart for Ciel, said softly as he passed the Indian butler, “Now if it had been the prince who fell…”

Agni couldn’t help smiling. “That would have been funny…”


Title: The Sadness in your Eyes
Fandom: Kuroshitsuji
Pairing: Some/Agni
Table/Prompt: 18/ image of an eye
Words: 421
Rating: OT
Warnings: Brief mention of character death
Summary: Soma mourns Meena and letting go of his grief, he learns something about Agni…

Soma’s eyes were the same green-gold as his grandfather, who came from a small kingdom at the base of Himalayas that was annexed by his father as part of his mother’s dowry. Since his mother and younger sisters also had the same color eyes, Soma never gave them much thought, but Agni thought they were especially beautiful and that they added to the prince’s god-like aura. Agni also liked their impish twinkle despite Soma’s frequent bouts of hysterics. Now they reflected they the deep sadness the prince felt when he learned of Meena’s passing.

Agni quietly went about his business as Soma’s khansama and part custodian of Ciel’s London townhouse, stopping occasionally to reassure the prince that it was not his fault the woman had died. Soma’s lingering sadness and guilt persisted while he mourned her loss, despite the dawning realization that Agni was right, and he knew it hurt his beloved to see him so upset. While they both also knew the prince had to grieve in order to move on, Agni hoped he would get over it sooner, rather than later. He had seen a side of Meena the prince never saw and Agni felt she was not worth the tears Soma had shed on her behalf.

A week later, when Soma was sitting in the front parlor’s window seat, watching the world go by, he noticed Agni’s faint reflection in the glass, just behind his own. He sighed softly, and turning around, he watched his beloved khansama “tidying” the room. “Thank you, Agni…”

Agni looked over at him and smiled. “You’re welcome, my prince.” When Soma got up and walked over to him, he could see a tiny spark of happiness returning to beloved prince’s eyes. “Feeling better?”

Soma nodded. “Yeah… She’ll be reborn, no?”

“Yes, and I would think quickly too. “

The prince smiled. “That’s good. Maybe this time she’ll get her wish and be born a rani…”

“Perhaps… or perhaps she’ll find being one isn’t important to one’s happiness.”


Agni nodded. “I was born a Brahmin and yet, I’m here serving you as humbly as a lowly Sudra and I find I’m much happier now than I had ever been.”

“Really?” Soma was surprised to hear that.

“Yes, my prince. Looking after you has proven to be quite rewarding.” Agni smiled, pleased to see something other than sadness in his beloved’s eyes.

Soma nodded as he thought it over. “I’m happy you decided to remain by my side and be my khansama.”

“Me to…”

table 18, !fic, author: kiramaru7, fandom: kuroshitsuji

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