Just to make it officially

Nov 20, 2005 20:56

This journal is from now on

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Comments 69

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4lyn_angel November 22 2005, 21:46:28 UTC
Hey :)

Good to know, I already thought you were lost in dreaming of Draco with longer hair.
Wasn't that what you wished for in your wishlist?
He's soo sexy with long hairs. Honestly, I understand why this is on your wishlist.
I hope I could make that come true for you, but Tom never listens *gg

And I can understand that you avoid lj because of getting spoiled, but don't worry I haven't seen it either so I won't spoil you.

Awww that's so great! I'm so excited about getting my own ff for xmas!
I wish I could do something for you and I'd write you a fic as well, but my English isn't good enough for this :(
And since I'm absolutely broke (because I just bought a iguana) I can't buy you anything *cries*

But I could at least send you a christmascard, if you want to :)
Or/and maybe you'd like me to make you your own icon?
Draco/Harry? Or something else? Whatever you want.
Just say the word and I'll do it!
I feel so bad because I can't give you anything in return...



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4lyn_angel November 24 2005, 18:39:52 UTC
Yes, I absolutely want to give you something :)
Anf if you want to I can make you a banner for your fic, of course.
But you gave me the same pic twice.
If you could please give me the right second pic I can start working on it as soon as I have time :)


forwardish December 12 2005, 07:15:59 UTC
you've won an award @ jossverseawards


hollowinsidex December 23 2005, 04:15:03 UTC
hey im Holly and i was looking over your interests and we seem to have a lot of the same fandoms, i talk about fandoms a lot too, mostly in IMs but im trying to get into the updating my journal thing lol. you seem really cool so add me back??



4lyn_angel December 23 2005, 10:02:10 UTC
aww that's great :)
thanks and of course I'm adding you back; I looked over your interests as well and ooh, you're a bangelshipper (it's hard to find some those days lol)

-Dana :)


1great_escape December 25 2005, 21:33:20 UTC
Hey there, I found you through lani-David's userinfo, crediting you for the H/D banner she made. I loved it, so followed her link, and found your journal. I love Lost, Buffy, and Harry Potter, and your header with the xtina quote.

Perhaps you'll friend me and we can get to know eachother a little better?



4lyn_angel December 25 2005, 23:45:08 UTC
that's why I like it when people give credit :)
I "checked" your userinfo and I love it.
Common fandoms are a good start and you seem great.

I'm always glad to get to know new people, so I'm adding you right back :)


1great_escape December 25 2005, 23:48:01 UTC
thanks, about the userinfo. :)

yay! i love making new friends


1great_escape December 25 2005, 23:48:45 UTC
ack, it ate the last half of my comment.


/end feeling like she's 6 years old.


do you have some sort of instant messaging service?


_feaar January 11 2006, 20:31:41 UTC
I read in /~hecatesknickers that you like Harry Potter and the shipper Harry/Draco.

Well...I like that too!
So, i decided to come here and friend you, and maybe we could make a friendship...^^

Bye! o/


4lyn_angel January 13 2006, 20:26:11 UTC
aww sure! :)
Plus, I looove your icon.
H/D shipper are always very welcome :)

Added you back!


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