The Potion Makerneoaeolianium is a cloudy, porous orange solid drained from the sap of a stunted oak.4caitium is a translucent, crumbly purple powder drawn from the belly of a tortoise.Mixing neoaeolianium with 4caitium causes a violent chemical reaction, producing an opaque beige potion which gives the user protection from evil.Yet another fun
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I just finished watching Object of My Affection which I bought bc of it's very lovely $8 price tag. The movie plot ultimately centers around a woman who falls in love with her gay best friend/roommate. I saw the movie sometime after it came out. It must have been around my soph or junior year of high school. I distinctly remember watching the
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4Cait's LJ stalker is kiloman!kiloman is stalking you because you said something bad about them on your LJ. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!
So everyone is posting a bunch so I figured I'd jump in. Besides, it's a nice break from my full day of stupid work. Yeah, it's Friday night and I spent all night working on a project just like I spent the whole day working on the project and just like I'll spend the rest of the weekend doing hw. The next week is hell on wheels. It's going to be my
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