Player Information
Name: Jac
Age: 23
AIM SN: Biteyou2death
Email: giantfishinabearsuit@yahoo.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: Xerxes Break
break_xerxes Conditional: Activity Check Link: N/A
Character Information
Canon Source:
Samuri 7
Canon Format:
Character's Name:
Emperor Ukyou (Pronounced 'Oo-key-oh' )
Character's Age:
Unknown/Never confirmed in canon. We assume, due to the fact he still lives at home, appears to act like a brat and is rather playful, that he's around his late teens or early twenties.
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A
What form will your character's NV take?
Mikumari Kirara - The Water Priestess' dowsing crystal necklace.
Ukyou will keep the pendant as a memento of her (Seeing as how he's obsessed with her in canon) The golden eye of the pendent will record his video communication, where as the crystal part will resonate sound and light. The sound will come through with a tone, such as the one crystal makes when you circle your finger around its rim, (so even his NV will look and sound pretty like him.) The pretty rainbow like lights that emanate from the crystal will project the video feed as a sort of hologram, or, written text will appear in the same fashion, only in the native characters of his Country's writing. If Ukyuo wishes to text, he can simply scribe on the flat part of the pendant (as seen on the left hand side of the crystal.)
Character's Canon Abilities:
Calculating in his cold and cruel mind. Ukyou finds it easier to manipulate others, without feeling guilty or remorse towards those he has wronged. Thinking fast, due to his extreme intelligence (speculated coming from the fact that he is a clone and the knowledge was passed down through DNA) being able to read people and their traits, are what he does best. His most common ability, is to be able to get what he wants , no matter the cost, or who he ends up trampling on.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them?
The Midas Touch It is canon after all, for him to be surrounded by expensive objects and gold. So I'd like to give him the ability to turn whoever he touches, with his bare/un-gloved left hand, temporarily into a golden, shell like version of themselves. Almost like a living doll or robot. Their soul is still there, only for that time period of being 'Gold' they will be like his puppet (With players permissions of course.) This could also be played out as a person-to-person ability. Meaning that some people might only tint gold. Where as others could actually solidify some.
Ukyou will br carrying his bodyguard, Tessai's
Tanto with him. He can also use guns.
Character History:
Unknown to Ukyou, he is the 49th clone of the Emperor Amanushi. In an attempt to ensure himself an heir, Amanushi had clones of himself created by using the living womb of a woman he kidnapped. All 48 clones before Ukyou were raised by the Emperor but failed to prove themselves as worthy of being his heir, and were killed during 'The Test' (A series of questioning that lasts for three days) Ukyou was the 49th of these clones, the last one created and sent away as a baby to live in a remote farming village, in hopes that the life of a peasant will give him the edge Emperor Amanushi is looking foe in his heir.
While a child, living in a humble farming village, Ukyou developed a fear which later developed into a hatred towards all mechanical life. This is because the Emperor allows bandits who where originally Samurai, to raid the farm villages, for rice to start with and then moving on to also taking women and children. Little Ukyou witnesses this and becomes scared, turning into a phobia and hate as he ages.
While visiting the village Ukyou live in, the magistrate to Kogakyo (The Capital the Emperor lives in.) Lord Ayamaro takes pity on poor orphaned Ukyou and adopts him. Giving him the spoiled and sheltered life he soon grows to take for granted. Raising him as a young noble, the lord or their house hold, and grants Ukyou the finest education money and power can buy, as well as teaching him all the skills of a merchant. Ayamaro taught Ukyou the importance of knowing the ways of commerce. So, after living a peasants life in the farms, Ukyou is now on the other side of the scale, taking profit from the Nobuseri (Those Mechanical Samurai) that he so fears.
Living such a spoiled life as he mow was, sheltered and never having to want for anything, Ukyou started to act like a brat of a child. Profiting for himself, out of the Nobuseri's raids by taking his share (and then some) of the woman kidnapped for the villages, for his 'Special Court' where he would treat them all as if they were royalty.
Ukyou is clearly underrated by those around him, he shows his true colours when he ha the Imperial Envoy slaughtered and beheaded out of frustration, due to having been told that one of the women he seemed to be infatuated with (Kirara) is to be sentenced to death, along side the Samurai she has hired to protect her village from the Nobuseri. Seeing as how there is no clear lead other than it was a Samurai's skill that killed the Imperial Envoy, Ayamaro was held in the Emperors court and stripped of his title, also, all the Samurai the Imperial troops could find, were captured and held in jail until they find the murderer. As a result, all Samurai were named as outlaws.
Ukyou then was handed this adoptive fathers title of Magistrate and an audience with the Emperor was requested to confirm this. When Ukyou came to answer the call of the Emperor, he was called forth and restrained by the Imperial Guards. An immediate blood test and iris scan was done. This determined that Ukyou was in fact, the 49th clone of Emperor Amanushi.
Ukyou was then made to undergo the same three day test, that the other clones before him had failed. The test involved three whole days if being locked in a room with the Emperor, where constant questions were asked of him, to determine whether he is suitable to be the next Emperor and Amanushi's rightful son/clone. Once the tests are over, Ukyou passes each and every one, The Emperor addressed his court saying "He is me, and I am him." confirming Ukyou to be the true heir.
Shortly after, the Emperor and Ukyou are spending some time together, Ukyou tells the Emperor a tale about a two headed dragon, that states both heads eventually die from wanting to go off and feed in different directions, He tells him this as a way of letting him know that he wants something different from what the Emperor has now, stating that if they both fight against each other, they will get nowhere, so, he then shows his cunning and malice, by taking the lead and unplugging the tubes to the tank which keeps the ancient Emperor alive. Taking the microphone attached to the tank which sounds like the Emperor's voice, and informs the council that Ukyou will be taking over as Emperor and he was denouncing himself. After this, Ukyou leaves the dead Emperor behind and steps forth as new ruler.
The first thing he does, is free the Samurai who are in jail, and request that they form help to relive the villages that are under constant attack from the Nobuseri. Also, in the other breath, he allows the Nobuseri to continue to raid, playing the villagers and Samurai against the Nobuseri, making himself look fair in all eye, as he never lets the Villagers and Samurai know of his agreement with the Nobuseri, reaping the power and control in the midst of the chaos.
Lastly, sending subjects out to find the woman he is obsessed with (Kirara) as he is still looking for her, hoping that she will love him one she sees this 'nice' side of him. He orders the court physician to remover the souls of the Nobuseri, giving him full control and putting him in the powerful and manipulative position to rule the country.
(The rest is past the canon point I am taking Ukyou from.)
*Please read this small appendix, explaining the titles mentioned in this application*
1) Ayamaro - Ukyou's adoptive father. The Magistrate of Kogakyo.
2) Kogakyo - the Imperial Capital. A thriving merchant city.
3) The Nobuseri - Bandits. Samurai that gave their living bodies up, to be converted into machines used for fighting.
4) Tessai - Ukyou's loyal bodyguard.
5) Amanushi - The original Emperor who Ukyou is cloned from.
6) Mikumari Kirara - The Water Priestess, the object of Ukyou's obsessions.
7) Imperial Envoy - Important ambassador figure.
Point in Canon:
I will be taking Ukyou from the point in canon, just after he is crowned Emperor. Before his death and at his prime in big headed attitude.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A
Character Personality:
Ukyou is a complex character, he has many levels and layers to his personality. Most of what he sees as flaws, he masks over, like the decorative make up on his face. Much like his obsessive personality, he'd rather call it ' a charm' His obsession with Kirara comes from his childhood as a peasant, orphaned in a farming village, the woman who looked after him from time to time, was kind and sweet like Kirara, devoted to her village and those who live within it. The fact that Kirara is a pure and sweet water Priestess adds to his adoration of her. She is perfect in his eyes, yet she can only see him for the cruel and powerful man he has come to become, since living a spoiled life as a young Lord. Its sad really, how much he adores her and how much she can't stand in. Its also a little bit of history repeating itself, as the Emperor took a humble farm girl to be the mother of his clones.
Ukyou is scared to the point of trembling, screaming, crying and fleeing in the sight of that which he fears. His biggest fear is of the Nobuseri, any and all mechanical life forms, and this all stems from his childhood. Ukyou does suffer from this fear, as in the end, his fears and worries end up getting the best of him, and leaving him in a position where he was unable to fight due to those fears. Its probably his biggest weakness, something he can't really mask all that well, and something people could easily use to their advantage against him. If he could just use his intelligence and overcome this fear, there is no doubt he would have become a truly unstoppable Emperor.
Ukyou lived a carefree life as a noble, vein and self absorbed. He never had to want for anything in his life. Food, wealth, females, all at his fingertips, he was one of the luckiest young masters in the land. His outlook on life was very playful and selfish, simply a mirrors reflection of his own attitude towards everything around him. With an underlying maliciousness, cruel and disrespectful side to boot, this is all evident when he had the Imperial Envoy murdered from a result of his own frustration. Then, torments Kirara's village with the Nobuseri, even though he knows it causes her pain. Her suffering only makes her that more beautiful in his eyes, makes her stronger and in turn, makes him want her more. His reasons behind such cruel actions are all noble in his mind, he's doing everyone a favor and people should see how wonderful he is for giving them the chance to better themselves in such situations. In the long term, it makes himself look good, as he's two faced enough to order the Nobaseri raids, and yet comfort the people and villagers that are effected. He always comes out looking like the good guy, even though he is the main problem. And with his twisted sense of morality .... All of his actions and reasons are perfectly fine.
Even as a master, he demonstrates his superiority complex by interrupting meetings between the Imperial Envoy and the Royal Magistrate (his adoptive father Amamaro.) , demanding their attention on what they see as petty matters, though he demands they listen. When he's refused? This is when he takes matters into his own hands, resulting in the Imperial Envoy's death and Ukyou feeling smug as ever.
Ukyou is, I must add, a true gentleman however twisted his views may be, for whenever he does take women from their homes, he always assures that they are treat the way he was while growing up. They never need to want for anything, they are treat like royalty, showered with riches they could only dream of. Sure, they have been taken away from their homes, but Ukyou has lived in a village like the ones the women come from, he knows of the poverty and strife, he truly believes he is doing them all justice and freeing them from danger and poverty.
The final thing about Ukyou, is he suffers from solipsism. He truly believes that the world revolves around him, and all who he meets and knows of, should want nothing more than to please him. Its beyond being big headed and its down right delusional. But, that disillusion of his s what's made him achieve all of the things he has done.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans:
Ukyou knows he is going to be on his own once entering the port, so he will be trying to gather some body guards, a harem for his 'Special Court' and trying to win the masses over and become the Emperor he truly is. So... Back stabbing, charming and possibly trying to tap into the cores power for his own greedy needs.
Normal Attire (left) Emperor Attire (right)
Writing Samples
First Person Sample:
Really now. How am I ever to get a reception for my audience, if you insist on swaying like so? I highly doubt there is anything of any importance regarding my beloved Kirara here ... other then me of course! Mhm~
[The image is swaying. Ukyou holding up the crystal necklace, turned NV, to his face. The white make-up against the azure of his hair, is a pleasing contrast to the eye. Or so he believes.]
Now then~ I do wonder if there will be a coach to collect me? Do people even know I have arrived? Honestly~! what a primitive place this must be, if Royalty such as my beautiful self, are left with no welcome committee or Envoy?
[The swaying stills. Ukyou smiled bright and charmingly.]
Well then, people of... what is this Land anyway? ... Sirens what?... port? Ugh so its a fishing village I expect? How dreadful. Hmm! well! take a good look at your new Emperor.. Me~!
[A pleased little squeel is heard as he beams.]
Third Person Sample:
"... Wretched place." Ukyou kicked a stone, watching it bounce around some, considering picking a larger one up to toss at the head of the guard currently man handling him. He didn't even want to be here in the first place! Let alone to be passed around like some rare stone found in the most dismal of places. "Hm, you should assemble yourself before addressing me! Unhand me at once! You're making a huge mistake." His crimson gloves swatted as if shooing a bug away, though the men that moved him around and took notes on who he claimed to be, didn't seem bothered with anything else Ukyou had to say. It was such a strange encounter. Having found himself in this situation, a strange new world, queer people all who seemed to be important, was he possibly entering a country on the brink of war? Ukyou mused to himself, trying to read the walls of the baseball diamond, to try and get an idea of what was going on in this place.
As he was moved through the bleachers and had various things explained to him, he simply waved his hand around, dismissing anything he didn't find of interest. "Yes, yes~ and why should I care about all of that?" Spotting from the corner of his eye, a young looking female, she must have been working for those who were ushering Ukyou through the bleachers towards a block of apartments. Of course as he caught eye contact with the young lady, he tried to push his way through the mass of white suited men. "My~ what a delicate flower among the thorns and weeds~ how fortunate that we should be drawn to meet like this~" Managing to make his way over to her, only to have his path closed by armed men, insisting he continued to make his way out towards the apartments where everything would be explained to him.
This of course, simply wouldn't do, Ukyou was used to being the one giving the orders, not taking them, and the fact he'd given his name at least and where he was from, was far more information than he seemed to be able to acquire from the odd people that he'd stumbled before. "What is this? Some sort of conduit? You realize this sort of activity needs to be approved by the council? With all respect, I must insist that you-... Hey!" Finally he was pushed out into the open and the strange men that had been farming him through the various make shift tents and cautioned off areas, turned their backs, continuing with all their odd little tests and data collecting. "How rude! You'll be the first to go once I'm in power over this place."
Stepping along the asphalt, towards the dreary and gloomy looking apartment blocks, the look on his face was anything but impressed. "You have got to be joking... As if I'm honestly expected to stay in such an ugly looking building! Where is the colour! The gold and silver!? What kind of a place is this? .... I should hardly like to imagine this is all there is to it... I'd rather be back on the farm with the Nobuseri."