Mar 20, 2007 17:09
At first he was a little worried they wouldn’t get along
Ronon’s strong, silent, and he has to admit, handsome.
Which is exactly what Sheppard wished he was
And for all his qualities, he never felt like he really worked those.
Not like Ronon did.
No, John was . . . flirtatious
Quiet sometimes, yeah
But flirtatious, even when he didn’t try to be
He was handsome, he supposed, but smiled to much to be silent
If he could admit it to himself,
He’d say his flirts were his own fault
Bad habits die hard and all that
It just that they seemed to make so much sense at the time.
That was silly, really
Smiles don’t make any sound, so how could that take away his silence?
He supposed he would have been more accepting
If some weren’t so fake.
Fake and screaming, Look at Me! Look at Me!
Fake to make life more casual, smoother
But it always did just the opposite
For him anyway, no one else seemed to notice, that is, until Atlantis
Fake so that people wouldn’t think he was weird
Weird when he didn’t really care about girls in high school
Or when he didn’t ever want to go back to the states in Afghanistan
Weird when he came in the middle of the year and left three months later
But fake wasn’t the point,
People on Atlantis didn’t see that fake
First it was just Mckay, ignoring niceties
But then he realized everyone else was just a little more subtle about it
But he still wished he could be more . . . real
In a really real sort a way, not a plastered together with Elmer’s glue sort of way
Because in the dark of night he’d still think, though he’d never admit it,
Ronon just looks so cool.
He wondered why he couldn’t look that cool,
He certainly tried hard enough
Saving everyone’s butt
But then again, Ronon does that too
Saves him all the time
With the things he sees, the things he hears
Tackles him to the ground
Leads everyone to safety
Sheppard knows though,
That that’s part of being a team, everyone working together
He also knows though,
That he wants attention just a little too much.
Act cool, Act cool
That’s what he told himself his first 5 first days of school
Then he thought, be bold, be bold
Found he made friends faster that way
That was probably why he pretended
To smile, to laugh,
To be interested in all the things
That are suppose to be popular
The more he thinks about it,
The more he thinks he was suppose to be actually silent
So everyone knows it, not just his friends
And actually strong, so he can accept it
But his life’s never been that easy has it?
A life that needs saving every other week
Not to mention the saving he does every week
And apparently, there are life sucking aliens around the corner
One thing about Ronon he doesn’t envy though,
Is seven years of a rutting hell hole
Running, Running, Running,
That’s gotta suck
They were all running
From the natives of some planet they won’t remember later
Of course
How could it be any other way?
. . .
He supposes though,
That Ronon wouldn’t like parts of him too,
Everyone must have some problems
Or they wouldn’t be people.
Before hand, he was up front, leading
He remembers that
But now he’s in the back
Firing and running and trying not to get killed
He doesn’t remember the moving back part so much
He remembers the vague idea of protection floating across his mind
But then it was all flying arrows and getting through the gate
He notices Ronon is in the front now, leading
It’s a flush of relief
To know Teyla and Rodney would get back safely
No way would anything stop Ronon from getting them to the gate
And he certainly wasn’t about the fuck up the rear
He didn’t realize it then,
Only long afterwards, sitting in the mess looking at Ronon
Did he know for certain,
That that relief is what being a teammate is
He was sitting on his bench, reviewing the last mission
Another negotiation gone awry
But he kept going back to the relief he felt
Of knowing there was another to help with the burden
Even when he was at his most jealous
He still would be crumbled, crippled, and crushed with the pain
Should something ever happen
To his strongest crutch of all
There’s no trick
No special thing he’s been missing
He’d had it all this time
Hidden under all the fake, all the superficial and confusing
Just his luck, he’d miss that of all things
He doesn’t need to be it
He already has it
Been standing in front of his eyes,
For over a year now.