I Give!. . .

Apr 30, 2009 19:12

Okay *throws up arms* I give! For whatever reason my brain-to-hand thing just doesn't seem to want to work with me. It's kind of hard to make a comic that way. Really. I can draw the simple panels and what knot but I just can't seem to draw scenery like parks or city scapes, etc. And it's infuriating me to no end! Usually I can draw backgrounds and/or scenery, but drawing them with/on a tablet is just. . .hard! I can draw them on paper with a decent reference and motivation, I have both!, but my brain or whatever can't comprehend what it's suppose to be doing. It's hard to explain but its really getting on my nerves.

So anyway. . .I'm asking for help. If anyone doesn't mind helping me a out a bit I'd be most appreciated. I can't pay you in cash or anything of the sort but I'm sure, if nothing else, we can perhaps work out some sort of negotiation. Nothing complicated or brain frying. I just need some simple line work parks/forest, and city scapes. . .and maybe a couple cars/trucks because I suck at them, too (i just suck at drawing vehicles). I can do the shading (etc). So really there isn't that much work to do. That and I wont give you any time set to get it back to me (that's rude in the circumstance) but, ya know, I'd like it back a-sap. No biggy though.

Right now the first five pages of my comic are in color and are done, but the rest is going to be simple grayscale. For the most part, while I am trying to make this a learning experience, but also just for fun. I just really want to go through with this.

So if anyones willing to help me out a bit I'd bow down to you/worship you for ever.
Now for some teasers...

This is acutally an pannel I cut out and wont be showing up in the comic. I like it still, though.

OMG! I actually made a Prowl that looks like a Prowl. Him and his slagging Gurren Lagann-like visor...it amuses me to no end and I just want to color it orange/red. Though. . .we do have Soundwave >>

Cheated on this a bit. Got the moon from a screencap and edited it a bit. Was suppose to be a Cybertron here but I suck at planets.

Like I said. Simple. Just for fun. I have a long ways to go, I know. Just enjoy it please :)

On another note. Here's a couple pictures that isn't really related to the comic but still Animated. Read the post from the top first ;)

animated, help!, teaser

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