fandoms 18, 19 and 20

Apr 04, 2007 22:49

F1 motorracing
Obviously, they are real and I don't own them. The fact that this is the first third of a cracked out version of Cinderella might also be a clue that this didn't really happen. Rated NC-17

Kimiella )

coronation street, f1, rpf, demon headmaster, black goddess

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Comments 16

deltachild April 4 2007, 21:30:27 UTC
Kimiella - *hehe* You had me almost weeping with laughter and then it got all sticky and depraved and just mmmm. Gorgeous yet hilarious fic :)


emeraldsword April 4 2007, 22:48:18 UTC
Glad you liked it. I suspect that mixture between the hilarity and the porn is going to turn out to be the big weakness, but...I really like the porn and I can't try and retell Cinderella with a 'straight' face, now can I?


lycoris April 4 2007, 22:21:33 UTC
1) *is traumatised* *laughs a lot anyway* “I am your fairy godmother,” the man announced. “I’m here to tell you that you shall go to the ball!”

“You look like Mika Hakkinen to me,” Kimi said, rubbing his eyes ... I love that bit! :D It's just ... the image. It highly amuses me. I would be interested in seeing more if you ever get round to it! :)

2) You capture Eileen wonderfully well here. Poor old Eileen. I like her thoughts on Todd. And her hopes for Jason. *has the same hopes*

3) Awwww. :) *pets Harvey* Nice little snippet. Harvey's adorable but he always was!


emeraldsword April 4 2007, 22:41:45 UTC
I certainly will be writing more of the Raikonnen one. I've got it all planned, it's symbolic and that *g*

And I'm glad you liked the other two, too. That wasn't actually the Demon Headmaster that I intended to write, that's just where it ended up.


lycoris April 5 2007, 20:41:28 UTC
I'm sure I believe you. :)

*grins* That happens sometimes. I actually feel a bit inspired to write one of my own now actually - might give it a go.


sabethea April 5 2007, 12:45:21 UTC
I like these but I'm ashamed about my lack of beta-ing (I took out spelling mistakes, but then I had a fantastic beta job done on a piece of mine and I felt like I ought to be doing more than that) so I didn't comment earlier. Now I thought I'd confess...


emeraldsword April 9 2007, 13:31:07 UTC
Don't worry about the beta. When I actually finish it, you can beta the whole thing *g*
And...spelling mistakes? Any that were in it are still there, bother!


versipellis April 5 2007, 16:32:38 UTC
1) Oh gods. I loved the first paragraph actually, it was a really good pseudo-fairytale beginning ^^ and then, you know, porn, yay ^^ is it wrong I was worried about how stained the dress was getting? Yes, yes it is *shuts up*

2) Don't know the fandom but you got Eileen's voice down very well, it sounded right for the age I presume she is.

3) Awww. Cool, liked the symbolism of Dinah's name you worked with.


emeraldsword April 8 2007, 18:44:41 UTC
LOL, well, in my head it was a really nice dress, so I was kind of concerned too. At least he didn't rip it, there's that for small mercies. And it's a magical dress, so there was no lasting damage. It vanished, remember?

OMG, the baby's not Jason's! My sister read it in the newspaper this morning. Eileen's going to be GUTTED. um. I'll stop there. Yes.

The Demon Headmaster story I had in my head wasn't supposed to go like that. Maybe sometime I'll write another one!


versipellis April 9 2007, 18:39:34 UTC
I suppose that's all right then ^^

Erm, gosh?

If you write I'll read :D


emeraldsword April 10 2007, 08:29:07 UTC
LOL, soap operas, the second you start trying to explain them to anyone else you realise how silly it all is. But I love Corrie anyway!

It may turn up eventually then. Though, I need to finish the F1 first *g*


bedpotato April 10 2007, 13:40:57 UTC
Oh that fairy tale's obscene! LOL Love the symbolisms-the color of Kimi's dress, how he made a good impression to everyone, etc. I was looking forward to seeing Michael in this fic and perhaps lots more sex! so I was disappointed when I saw that offending TBC.

I want more F1 drivers in dresses! I demand to see DC in heels!


emeraldsword April 10 2007, 13:48:53 UTC
I am going to finish that one (I've got the rest of it planned) and Michael's definitely in it *g* I will see what I can do about DC, but that may well not work out. But I do promise more sex.


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