Fandom 15

Mar 07, 2007 17:43

Fandom: RENT
Rating: G
Disclaimer: RENT and associated characters belong to Jonathan Larson
Length: 197 words
Summary: A brief look into what Maureen was like as a child. I don't feel this really has much connection to canon... still, I guess this challenge is good for finding out which fandoms it's easier to play in ^^

Centre Stage )

versipellis, rent

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Comments 6

iamisaac March 7 2007, 19:31:03 UTC
I have no idea whether this has any links to canon at all, but I love it.

Yay for rejecting gender stereotypes :)


versipellis March 8 2007, 07:59:10 UTC
:D I'm glad you liked it! Rejecting stereotypes FTW!


lycoris March 8 2007, 00:29:37 UTC
Don't know anything much about the original but that's just great. I love the childish logic that she's made her choice and there's also that little trump card ... it belongs to her so she makes the rules! Fabulous drabble, made me laugh!


versipellis March 8 2007, 07:59:37 UTC
Aw, glad I amused you! Thanks!


teis_stories March 8 2007, 03:44:39 UTC
I second the conquering of gender assignment! It's so very Maureen-like. Hell, this entire setup is much like Maureen (it also overshadows that she'll eventually turn lesbian, taking the roll of a male character to sweep a princess away). I also enjoyed how you made her in charge of the whole set-up, sort of like Maureen planning the second protest.


versipellis March 8 2007, 08:00:39 UTC
I'm glad you thought it was like her ^^ I do like Maureen, even if she'd be hell to actually live with!


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