Fandom 15

Mar 11, 2010 21:44

Title: Stimulation
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Owen accidentally sets loose an alien. Toshiko tries to help him get it back.

“We should call Jack,” Toshiko said.

“No, we should not call Jack!” Owen hissed back, on his hands and knees, giving Toshiko a very nice look at his wriggling bottom. “I am perfectly capable of managing this on my own, thank you very much!”

“You set it loose,” Toshiko couldn’t help pointing out. The glare she got made her turn quickly away and pretend to be very interested in the computer screen. Behind her, Owen continued to scrabble about, making what he probably hoped were little coaxing noises. Unsurprisingly, the squiggly alien thing that he’d just accidentally released did not respond.

“I really think we should call Jack,” she tried again.

“Shut up and help me!” came the annoyed snarl from underneath one of the work desks and with a patient sigh, Toshiko joined him, scurrying around and looking for the squiggly alien.

“It must be under here somewhere,” Owen growled. “It can’t have got far.”

“Well, it was very small,” Toshiko said. “It could probably have squeezed.”

“Shut up! Oh God … where the bloody hell is it? For fuck’s sake! Come here, you little fucker! Come here!”

The squiggly alien promptly appeared, made a weird little noise that sounded a lot like a mocking raspberry and then vanished back under the table. Owen hurled himself after it with a snarl of rage, banging his head on the back board. Toshiko more sensibly darted around the side and used her jacket to try and chase it back under the gap to Owen’s grabbing hands.

“What are you two doing?” Ianto asked, having just wandered up apparently from the basement.

“Nothing!” Owen yelled. “Absolutely nothing! Playing a sex game.”

“… right,” Ianto said. “Pretend I didn’t ask.”

In Owen’s distracted moment, the squiggly alien darted out. Toshiko grabbed it and wrapped it in her jacket, smiling in a vaguely innocent way as her jacket wriggled. Ianto blinked and walked away, humming something fairly loud and Wagnerian to try and block out the sounds of Owen and Toshiko shoving the squiggly demon back into its box.

“It looks like it might have got excited,” Jack said when he came back. “You didn’t stimulate it in any way, did you?”

“Oh no,” Toshiko said, smiling innocently as Owen busily pressed buttons on his computer. “Not at all.”

torchwood, lycoris

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