[One Hundred and Twenty Seven]

Aug 07, 2008 18:18

tuesday; 8:47 PM; gchat

4-03-am: i'll take pin anything. pin walking down the street, doing nothing. JUST EXISTING TOGETHER. anything will do.
acchikocchi: skjdaldjsl where are the paparazzi when you need them XD ( Read more... )

best tasting part of fandom!watermelon

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ginzarhapsody August 7 2008, 23:02:29 UTC

subtitle of big picture on first scanned page (very rough, Mer feel free to correct me prease ♥) --> time off with friends over girls - A catch of the scene that Akanishi often speaks of - "YamaPi and I have been good friends since our junior days." Despite Akanishi being in the middle of a tour, YamaPi being in the middle of a drama, and their overcrowded schedules, they meet up, go for drinks (tea), and then to a ramen restaurant. Aw, male bonding...


4_03_am August 7 2008, 23:05:25 UTC
*gives gold medal*



ginzarhapsody August 7 2008, 23:12:43 UTC
oh, did you hear foo? I HAZ AIRPLANE TICKET TO JAPANZ! ♥


4_03_am August 7 2008, 23:14:49 UTC
oh, dang, son, fo shizzle? NEWS CON IN ZA WINTAA TIEMZ?


ginzarhapsody August 7 2008, 23:18:02 UTC
MAH HOPE IZ DAT! Countdown at least ne. :) And if anything else, SHOPPING~ ♥


4_03_am August 7 2008, 23:28:07 UTC
OH MAN COUNTDOWN!!!!!!!!!! that is gonna be so awesome a;sldka;lsd *_* *_* *_* i'm so excited for you. your fall semester is gonna pass so quickly cuz of this now. :D


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