Title: Conjunction
snegurochka_leeFandom: HP
celandinebPairing: Lupin/Snape
Rating: adult
Warnings: very minor bloodplay
Summary: Remus and Severus have more to offer each other than either of them thinks.
Notes: An acrostic in fifteen drabbles. I had fun playing with the form, what can I say?
Conjunction )
Comments 20
Very glad you liked it! *g*
Yes, they would be good working together, once Severus allowed it to happen, that is. Yay to Hermione for saving them, and to Tonks for realizing the truth (that Remus and Severus need to be together). :) And Molly brought soup. How perfect! *g*
This is so lovely! I love drabble series; they can say so much in so few words, with each segment slowly building. You've done a wonderful job here! Both Snape and Lupin's voices are so accurate, little bits of dialogue that just sum them up perfectly. And the way they slowly move closer together, recovering from the war together... Yay!
And oooooooooh the sex magic was so beautiful. Drabble!sex is so, so hot to me, because it's done is so few words. You really chose the exact right words to make an impact. God, the naked kneeling before the blade, the legs over Snape's shoulders, all just so gorgeous. *happy shiver*
What a great present! Thank you so much for it. ♥
Initially I tried writing it as a regular story, but it was going to be WAY too long for this fest if I did, so the drabble series approach came to mind... and making it an acrostic (look at the first letter of each individual drabble) made it an extra fun personal challenge.
So glad you liked the sex magic! That's something I haven't done before, and I tried to make it rather dark in hopes that would suit your taste. *g* (I imagine it could be a rite carried out in a het context, too, but obviously not with these two...)
You're very, very welcome! {{hugs}} *mwah*
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