(for canadaphile) It's A Start

Jan 11, 2015 22:35

For: canadaphile

Title: It's A Start
Genre: idek comedy?
Rating: G
Length: 3,000 words
Summary: Budding friendships never start out easy.
Notes: Perhaps putting 'attempted crack' under things I could write wasn't that good an idea ^^'' All the same, you said to be wild and free like a stallion but I hope the stallion still finds it's way back to you :)

> i've written my room number on a paper somewhere but i've forgotten to bring it
> could you help me find it
> i think it's somewhere on my table
> probably
> stop complaining about how messy it is
> i'm not using it anymore anyway
> 1214?
> okay thanks
> i'll call you again later
> bye


After a lot of huffing and puffing and dragging his goodness-knows-what-sis-threw-in-there luggage up the three storeys (because of course the lift had to break down on this day), Jongin finally reached his destination and dropped his baggage to catch his breath. The silver plate stuck on the door shined in the afternoon sun.


The door was left ajar and he could hear some shuffling from the inside. Looks like his roommate had already arrived. His imaginative mind started flashing thoughts across his head. A buff, popular jock? A skinny, little nerd? A hipster musician? A pompous dancer?

He pushed the door open.

Or well, maybe a perfectly normal-looking fellow in a neatly creased blouse and tight black jeans. Unaware of Jongin's arrival, the roommate had his back towards the door and was settled between the two single beds, intently fiddling with the lock of a suitcase while occasionally making annoyed grunts and restless sighs.

Jongin couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. You can't blame a writer for wanting to lead a somewhat more abnormal life - dinky little rooms with dusty overcoats everywhere and perhaps a rat or two scurrying across so that he'll learn "to appreciate the comfortable life he had". Or maybe even oddball roommates with weird fetishes and quirky habits so that he'll "be wishing he had as good a company as he had back home".

His sister's words of course.

But no, the room is cozy, spacious, and as dust-free as the sanitised dentist's clinic he had dropped by a while ago to bid farewell to the love of his life, who had been tampering with his teeth since he had none.

There's still a chance the roommate part could come true though. As they say, never judge a book by its cover, right? He rapped at the door and watched in anticipation as his roommate squeaked in surprise and turned his head back hurriedly.

Nope. Disappointingly, there were no horrifying scars slashed across his face, no uniquely storytelling lightning mark on his forehead, and no perfectly sculpted and defined features. Instead, it was a fresh-looking, slightly babyish, and a bit above average looking man with eyes a little too big for his tiny profile.

Hmm, he could work with that.

But the little smile which broke out from the otherwise stern demeanour caused Jongin’s heartbeat to race somewhat faster as his future roommate stood up to walk towards him and introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Kyungsoo. You must be my roommate!”

Ah, so he’s the type with a seemingly harmless face but an unexpectedly luscious deep voice that would have girls swooning at his feet. Jongin introduced himself in return and shook Kyungsoo’s hand, before stepping into the room for the first time.

“Sorry, it’s a bit cramped and I’m facing some trouble unlocking my bags," Kyungsoo said and gestured towards the luggage lying on the middle of the floor,"But do try to make yourself at home…somehow.”

What a shy and polite fellow, Jongin thought as he watched Kyungsoo scanned apologetically around the room. With a quick “It’s fine”, he pushed his bags into a corner before turning back to offer help for the mini crisis, only to be waved away by the latter who had returned to the issue at hand.

Before Jongin could figure out how to make himself useful, a strained voice came, followed by vigorous rattling of metal locks on uncooperative baggages.

“So what course," a huff,"Will you be taking?”

Jongin cringed internally. He could never figure out how to go about with conversation starters and shuffled his feet nervously as he watched Kyungsoo tugged at the unrelenting lock.


He received a distracted grunt before courtesy prompted him to ask back the question, but the squatting figure suddenly jumped up in excitement, “It’s open!”

Silence filled the air as Jongin pondered upon making celebratory noises before deciding against so, choosing to continue observing Kyungsoo while he victoriously flipped open the once-locked case. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for Kyungsoo to remember Jongin’s presence as he shot up and turned to face him once again, another embarrassed smile on his face.

“I’m so sorry I got a bit carried away.”

Jongin coughed up a weak laugh, biting his lips as he gave a quick shake of the head.

“Um, you were asking about my course right?”

Jongin winced slightly at the formality and mechanically nodded his head. He sighed, no wonder his sister told him to open up more. He was never one to be good at socialising.

Fortunately for him, Kyungsoo, too, not-so-subtly pulled at the edges of his sweater.

“Ah, I’m actually in the second year for Computer Science.”

Quick, quick, time to say something, Jongin casually, or so he hoped, combed his fingers through his hair in an attempt to avoid Kyungsoo catching him take in a sharp breath.

Prepared, Jongin gave the brightest smile he could muster.

"So...hyung?" Mental kick on the ass #127891927

"Um, I guess so."

Good enough.


> hey noona
> yes I'm in
> yes i've settled down...kinda
> no i'm not being bullied
> yet
> anyway chanyeol's here with me
> nah too bad we aren't roommates
> no
> no
> can you
> just
> let me speak
> my roommate is not a psychopath
> i guess he looks a bit like one but i'm still intact
> he seems nice
> it's a bit awkward but still, it's only day 1
> he's in the toilet now
> he's a hyung
> what do you mean someone can look after me
> for goodness' sake i am already in university
> yes yes i will always be your little nini
> wait
> no
> no
> listen
> sorry to disappoint
> but you can keep those marriage plans to yourself for a while
> it's my first day here why are you thinking about
> i'm here to study
> i'm hanging up
> ...
> help me look after the kids okay
> love ya too


> yo what do you want
> oh. nice to know.
> um, we're okay.
> uh
> huh
> no
> i said no
> don't you dare come over
> i'm not going to-

The dreaded rapping on the door arrived, followed by an even more horrifying screech penetrating through the regretfully thin door.

"Helloooooooo I'm here!"

Jongin froze, letting his phone drop on the bed as he quickly glanced towards Kyungsoo, who had looked up from his packing in bewilderment. The hammering didn't stop and another shrilling outcry followed suit.

"Kim Jong Innnnnnnn I know you're in there!"

Kyungsoo was now looking at him, and he felt himself gulped in embarrassment. "Um, it's just my overly enthusiastic friend-"

The knocks went on tirelessly and he was one step closer to breaking those obnoxious knuckles.

"-so I think we can just ignore him."


If he got a dollar for every time he felt personally victimised having acknowledged said best friend as even an acquaintance, he’d probably have accumulated enough money to take a rocket to the Sun.

Enough is enough, it was time to salvage whatever was left of his reputation.

Jongin slowly approached the door, leaving his roommate stuck in a still-frame of shock and confusion, eyes so wide one can hear the "Grandmother, what big eyes you have!" chime resonating in the background.

Upon reaching the door, Jongin mentally prepared himself for the whirling ball of energy as he put his hands on the knob and announced, "I apologise in advance, but allow me to introduce to you," before quickly stepping aside, watching as a flurry of uncontrollable movements bounced into the room.

"My friend Chanyeol."


"So my dearest friend," Chanyeol started,"and his roommate," sending a wink in Kyungsoo's direction, only to be responded with a death glare because really, who likes to have an unnecessarily tall elf barge into their room without notice.

"I have come today to bring colour and joy to the pathetic canvas of your life like I always do-"

Jongin could feel his eyeballs rolling to the back of his head.

"-so I bring with me today, an invitation," he paused dramatically, ignoring the lack of response and manifestation of intense annoyance filling the room.

Jongin pointed towards the door, but Chanyeol's grin only became wider.

"It's for all the newcomers! A great way to start the school year! To fraternise! To socialise! To be judged for where you stand on the social ladder! Fun fun fun!"

Kyungsoo had gone back to arranging his items, and Jongin groaned for the nth time since Park Chanyeol entered his life. He would have to treat Kyungsoo to drinks for the rest of his living existence to cover up this mistake of a friendship.

Before he could ponder more about how to amiably cut of all ties with Chanyeol, Jongin found himself pinned to his bed faced-down, a heavy weight leaning atop him. Surprise surprise, it was just the intolerable noodle resorting to physical means.

"Come on Jongin it would be fun!"


"It'll be the perfect way to fit in!"

Bounce again.

"Maybe you'll meet a girl!"

And again.

"Your sister would be glad that you're finally making friends!"

Was he trying to mould his face into the mattress.

A soft cough interrupted them and Jongin struggled to face towards the direction it came from, only to be greeted with the sight of Kyungsoo standing by his bedside, a menacing aura surrounding the small stature.

Cracking his knuckles.

"Jongin do you need any help because I am stronger than I look."

He couldn't keep himself from breaking out into a smile as he watched Chanyeol stood up sheepishly, scratching the back of his head while Kyungsoo continued to shoot daggers with his eyes, unfazed by the towering figure.

No one had looked more adorable trying to one-up Chanyeol than Kyungsoo did in that moment.


With Chanyeol finally out of the way (after having Jongin relented and agreed to go before Kyungsoo's buttons were pushed any further), room 1214 fell back into silence with Kyungsoo retreating back to his part of the room and Jongin sitting by the bedside swinging his legs awkwardly.

He glanced up and followed Kyungsoo with his eyes, intently watching him shuffle around the room.

Jongin was used to ignoring people and minding his own business but Kyungsoo intrigued him to no end. For one, he did buy them peace time by shaking some fists, which was already admirable considering Chanyeol's physique was not one to underestimate, but to do so given his less than menacing self, now that was awe-worthy.

To think this same person, who was threatening to punch someone twice his own size just a few minutes ago, could be folding blouses and jeans in the most docile manner a few minutes later.


Those enormous eyes suddenly appeared before him, snapping him out of his trance. Kyungsoo was bending down a little, watching him in curiosity.


Kyungsoo straightened up immediately, remaining a respectable distance away from him and promptly looking out of the window after having caught Jongin's attention.

"Um, I'll go explore the neighbourhood for a bit. So...would you like to get anything?"

Jongin never plays it cool.



"I mean, no, it's alright I don't need anything."

If those mental kicks towards his ass actually happened he’d probably be too sore to stand by now.

"Ah, okay. So I'll be heading out now?" Kyungsoo gave him a small smile and Jongin unconsciously beamed back, captivated by how those facial muscles pulled upwards to form a conspicuous heart with those luscious lips.

He is literally sending out love with his every word my goodness.

"Yeah sure. I'll be going for the party soon, are you sure you don't want to come?"

Kyungsoo snorted and shook his head, "I'll pass. Thanks anyway."

"Oh, okay." Jongin stretched out his toes and stared at them with marvelling wonder.

"I'll...get going now then?"

"Ah! Yes, see you soon-"

Suavely say goodbye, that's the way to go.

"-and don't stay up for me."




"Um, okay," Kyungsoo returned with a wave, "Don't stay up too late too."

Jongin watched as the door closed behind those narrow shoulders and sighed. Gosh he is endearing.


With bags of takeout food in one hand and a bunch of keys in the other, Kyungsoo sauntered down the otherwise empty hallways. It was relatively quiet, minus the occasional drift of electric mixes and dub steps. If he listened hard enough, he might even catch an ecstatic scream or two, muffled yet still horridly audible from the third floor.

It wasn’t an unfamiliar occurrence, but that doesn’t mean he’ll ever get used to it.

Curse these thin walls.

He let out a sigh upon reaching the doorstep, fiddling with the keys for a moment before deciding to forgo this practice of nifty fingers. Bending down to settle the takeout bags on the floor, Kyungsoo caught a waft of the delicacies he had decided to treat himself to: a pinch of glorious fried chicken, mixed with the slight saltiness of saucy jjangmyeon, and to top it off, the distinguishable fragrance of basil on cooked Italian pasta.

He felt a small smile tugging at his lips as he finally pushed opened the door, light rushing into the now-darkened room he’d have to call home for the next few years. Who needs a freshmen party.

He’ll have a party on his own.


Kyungsoo tucked his hands to his sides as he marvelled at his own work - a wide spread of food meticulously placed on plastic plates (Note-to-self: Remember to get some tableware.) and carefully arranged to fill every space on the table. He felt a surge of pride and gave himself a mental pat on the shoulder. His first meal away from home, but it’s just exactly like what he’s used to. That wasn’t too bad.

After snapping a quick photo to send back to his family, Kyungsoo was ready to blast his favourite R&B songs and dig in when he heard a soft knock. He froze, and the knock came again, this time, a little sturdier. Kyungsoo glanced at the clock as he made his way towards the door. 7.30pm. Everyone else should already be partying it up downstairs.

Unless, which he really hoped not, another annoying partygoer decided that it was only right to try and get him to go. Anyone who stood between Kyungsoo and his food never tried it again.

But instead, he opened the door and caught an unexpected sight.


There stood his roommate, dressed in simple slacks and nothing like someone who came from a party. With a small smile, Jongin brought up both his hands to show the many bags he was carrying and shrugged, “Surprise?”

With a sniff, a quick glance of the labels on the plastics and even some sauce dripping out from them, Kyungsoo was so stunned he still had not moved from his position since he opened the door. But before he could say anything, Jongin beat him to it.

“Um, yeah, I changed my mind about the party. I never liked them anyway. And um, it’s my first day here. So I thought that I should spend some time getting to know the person that I’d be staying with during my time here. Plus, well, you scare Chanyeol away so if he ever comes to find me for abandoning him, I’m going to have to ask for your help.”

Jongin paused to catch his breath, and gulped when he realised Kyungsoo was still staring at him, unmoving.

“I may or may not have planned this very well, so even if you already had dinner, I bought a whole lot of food and...I hope you like chicken?”

Jongin beamed as bright as he could when he was done, in the hopes that his roommate did not get too creeped out over him wanting to eat dinner together and possibly slamming the door in his face before locking him out. However, after a few seconds of silence, Jongin let his hands slumped to his sides and cocked his head curiously when his roommate remained stiff.


It was then a crack of a smile broke out from Kyungsoo’s incomprehensible expression, followed by the bark of a laugh, before a loud, boisterous cackle filled the insides of the room and echoed down the hallways. Kyungsoo’s deep, throaty laughter had resulted in him squeezing his eyes shut while doubling over a little as he attempted to speak.

Now it was Jongin’s turn to be momentarily stunned as he watched Kyungsoo take in deep breaths to no avail, breaking out into giggles again and again. What is this? An outbreak of insanity?

When Kyungsoo finally calmed down, he stepped aside and waved towards the table he had carefully set up, which thankfully could be seen from the doorway of their less than spacious room. He wiped away a tear which formed from squeezing his eyes shut too tight and pushed the door all the way for Jongin to enter.

“I’m sorry about that. It’s just that…”

Jongin caught on and couldn’t help himself from breaking into a hearty laugh as well. “We thought of the same thing? To buy takeout food to celebrate?”

Kyungsoo nodded and shrugged back at him, “Do you think it’s too much food?”

They both looked at the table filled to the inch, and turned to look at the promise of much more in Jongin’s hands.

Jongin chuckled.

“Do you think we can use our beds for tables?”


> hi noona
> yeah i'm lying on my bed now
> well...today was okay
> nah i didn't go for the party in the end
> wait how did you even know about that
> wow
> trust chanyeol to go brag to my sister about that
> yeah he went with his roommate. they seem to click.
> i'll have you know i spent time with MY roommate too
> we had takeaway dinner together
> too much actually
> but it was fun
> he's cool
> still looks like a pyshopath
> but maybe a cute one
> (oh shit you're still awake)
> (was that pillow throw supposed to be intimidating)
> (i'm not returning your pillow)
> (i won't be daunted by whatever karate moves you have)
> (try me)
> (why are your arms around my neck-)
> sorry kyungsoo was still awake
> stop
> stop right there
> i'm hanging up
> i won't call you anymore
> oh shush
> it's been a long day
> go to sleep
> goodnight

day: 1, rating: g, pairing: jongin/kyungsoo, genre: comedy, length: oneshot

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