Title: Worried By Silence
Fandom: House
Characters: House, Wilson, Cuddy
Pairing: None
Warning: non-explicit off-screen non-con
Series: 200 Prompts
Rating: PG? Since the warning above isn't actually spoken of?
Summary: What worries Wilson? House's silence.
The room was unexpectedly quiet. It unnerved him greatly. Anger, rage, crying, yelling, cursing, screaming, violence he could understand. But this? The silence worried him.
"Are you hungry? I have Chinese."
No response.
He sighed. He sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to touch his friend's long limbs. He stared at his hands in his lap.
"You're going to have to talk eventually."
At the hospital, he had to field what felt like an endless onslaught of questions.
"How is he?"
"The same. I'm really worried."
"This isn't like him."
"I just can't figure out why he's shut down like this."
"He's your best friend-you don't have any theories?"
"Nothing that makes sense, unfortunately."
Wilson returned to House's apartment. He was in the same position as when he'd left. He wondered if he'd even moved.
"You need to eat, House."
He leaned over and placed his hand on the t-shirted shoulder.
House screamed as if Wilson had amputated the limb, rolled off the bed and cowered in a far-off corner. The things Wilson hadn't wanted to think about reappeared in his mind to give him an I told you so.
"House? House? It's Wilson."
He slowly crept towards his friend, trying to look the least threatening as possible. He stifled nearly hysteric laughter. This was ridiculous-since when was he threatening?
Since two nights ago.