Congrats on the weight loss dude! and the motion sickness and stuff :D
For your knees, maybe try doing some weight lifting with your legs to strengthen your leg muscles? I used to have huge problems with my left knee and since I started working as a sysadmin I've been getting a bit more workout on my legs (from carting heavy PCs around the place) and I don't suffer from knee pain anymore.
I am glad you are losing weight , it must be difficult for you as you are skinny ... I want to give you the good news too, been losing weight myself and feel so good , thing is everyone at work's starting to tell me that they can see I am losing weight.
Glad you got chocolates from Melanie and Jonathan , have not heard from her in a dog's age but it seems like they happy and such . I am happy for them ♥.
I am glad you got to spend time with Andrew and that you like photos so much :)
Thanks, and congrats on your weight loss too :D Yeah, I think that the more you weigh, the easier it is to lose weight, which I think is why people get discouraged whilst dieting as they won't be losing as much as they did at the beginning. I think that if you keep a reord of your weight and measurements then its nice to plot your progress, even if its only losing 1lb per week - its much healthier to lose weight slowly and its more likely to stay off..
hi ,thank you ... I think cause I have so much to lose that at times I get discouraged , but I am getting courage from friends and family now as they notice me losing weight and the compliments is like a drug , the more you get the more you want to lose the weight , I am eating more , that is the whole joke about it , but small regular meals , as you know me being diabetic makes it a bit difficult just to leave food alone at all, the problem was that I was not eating regulary and somehow me eating more regular makes me lose weight. I walk more , excercise more and it is fun... Even now when it is a bit cooler I am still swimming and it is the best !
Yeah, swimming is great exercise, because its fun and doesn't feel like exercise :) Trampolines are also pretty good fun for exercise :)
I know you diabetes will make it a bit harder, but I'm glad you're persevering. Lots of small, regular meals are definately the way to go. Make sure you have breakfast every morning and try not to eat in the 2/3 hours before going to bed. Switch white bread/rice to wholemeal. Switch any snacks from chocolate and crisps to things like nuts.
Nuts may be calorific and high in fat, however they have a large amount of other nutrients (especially magnesium, zinc, vit E, folic acis etc). I've found that I only need to eat a couple of nuts before I stop feeling hungry - much less than if eating chocolate! I think this is why they don't affect your weight as much. Should add that they'll be less nutritious when their salted, so just plain nuts are the way to go.
Congrats with the weight loss!!! What diet changes have you made? Do you feel you can 'see' a difference?
The knees sound painful. The whole exercising to increase leg strength sounds like a good idea, could very well work to help stabilise your knees. If you're going to do running make sure you have good quality shock absorbing trainers.
Just trying to cut down eating crap between meals (though have been naughty over Easter, but I think that's allowed ;)). I eat quite healthily otherwise anyways. I was only running a bit cos we had the treadmill, I won't do more than a few strides of a jog if I'm out by myself. I'll just keep up with the exercises when my knees gets better. The ibufrofen is helping quite a bit.
Comments 8
For your knees, maybe try doing some weight lifting with your legs to strengthen your leg muscles? I used to have huge problems with my left knee and since I started working as a sysadmin I've been getting a bit more workout on my legs (from carting heavy PCs around the place) and I don't suffer from knee pain anymore.
Nice to hear from you :)
Hope the choccy is ncie :D
Glad you got chocolates from Melanie and Jonathan , have not heard from her in a dog's age but it seems like they happy and such . I am happy for them ♥.
I am glad you got to spend time with Andrew and that you like photos so much :)
great icon
Yeah, I think that the more you weigh, the easier it is to lose weight, which I think is why people get discouraged whilst dieting as they won't be losing as much as they did at the beginning. I think that if you keep a reord of your weight and measurements then its nice to plot your progress, even if its only losing 1lb per week - its much healthier to lose weight slowly and its more likely to stay off..
I know you diabetes will make it a bit harder, but I'm glad you're persevering. Lots of small, regular meals are definately the way to go. Make sure you have breakfast every morning and try not to eat in the 2/3 hours before going to bed. Switch white bread/rice to wholemeal. Switch any snacks from chocolate and crisps to things like nuts.
Nuts may be calorific and high in fat, however they have a large amount of other nutrients (especially magnesium, zinc, vit E, folic acis etc). I've found that I only need to eat a couple of nuts before I stop feeling hungry - much less than if eating chocolate! I think this is why they don't affect your weight as much. Should add that they'll be less nutritious when their salted, so just plain nuts are the way to go.
The knees sound painful. The whole exercising to increase leg strength sounds like a good idea, could very well work to help stabilise your knees. If you're going to do running make sure you have good quality shock absorbing trainers.
You're kidding me about Tescos. O_o
I was only running a bit cos we had the treadmill, I won't do more than a few strides of a jog if I'm out by myself. I'll just keep up with the exercises when my knees gets better. The ibufrofen is helping quite a bit.
I wish I was kidding about Tesco :/
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