Mar 18, 2004 13:49
Its funny how IRC is filled with idling and conversation about the most random things which tends to digress and alot of line crossing does occur. Take last night for instance..
c0de: "c0de's a guy!?"
Krypt: hahaaaahahaahha
Glipsie: LOL
Krypt: with another guy!!!!!!
pixie: lol
c0de: no
c0de: nononono
Glipsie: ... and a dog
Krypt: (not surprising)
Glipsie: ... and a laptop
c0de: *shrug*
Glipsie yeah, knew he would agree with the dog and the laptop ;)
c0de: dog on laptop action .. nothing wrong with that
c0de: *images*
c0de: yeah, ok
c0de: there's a lot wrong with that
Glipsie: LOL
pixie: lol
pixie: yeh
pixie: dog cum would make the keys stick together
pixie: and then what good would the laptop be?
c0de: pixie, dog cum expert
pixie: no, horse cum expert
pixie: we did a semen collection on monday
pixie: it was funny
c0de: lol
c0de: so you have to jack off the hourse? ;p
Glipsie: so ... whats it taste like?
c0de: horse
pixie: lol
pixie: no
Glipsie: lucky horse
pixie: see, the boy horse gets randy because of the girl horse
pixie: then he jumps onto a blow-up horse...
c0de: ahh yess
pixie: lol
Glipsie: and now: pixie's the birds and the horses
c0de: *all cuming back to me now*
pixie: he fucking *LEAPED* onto the blowup horse
pixie: ahaha, it was so funny
c0de: LOL!!! that poor horse!
c0de: so you tease him
Glipsie: did the blow up horse pop?
c0de: and then laugh
c0de: :D
pixie: well, its not *really* blow up.. its made of really tough foam covered in a strong wipable material
pixie: kinda like a horse-shaped gym mat
c0de: 'wipable'
c0de: ;p
Krypt: rofl
Glipsie: lol
rawhed: LOL pixie
pixie: *curtsey*
rawhed: weird STUFF
c0de: rawhed, it's perfectly natural
c0de: when a man horse loves a ... horse shaped gym mat ;)