Title: Faint and Distant
Day/Theme: 29. circuits and veins
Series: Bioshock
Character/Pairing: Big Daddy
Rating: PG
There was a dim memory of the ocean, which explained the faint swish he could hear. Unless that pressure in his head was blocking out his ears, which meant that maybe he was feeling that gentle rhythm instead of hearing it. He could’ve drowned and the sea could’ve flowed in and filled all the empty places, flowed in and out with the tide, until he was just another part of the sea. It would explain why he felt so heavy and under pressure, in some cold, indifferent womb.
It didn’t explain the lights. He could see a light that he had the feeling would’ve been yellow if he wasn’t looking at it through murk. Sometime it was a cluster of lights, weak and far away. If he really was dead and drowned he shouldn’t be seeing any lights at all. Or hearing music, even more faint and distant than the lights. If he rallied up all his focus, he could tell that it was a woman’s voice and once when things were especially still he almost had a name to match it with. Something about her heart belonging to daddy. He knew what that meant, but that was his only comfort, because he couldn’t remember.
Things had wormed their way into him. Eels, he thought, tiny burrowing fish, all teeth and wiggles, no eyes needed with their faces buried in dead flesh. He could feel them, cold as needles snaking through him. He didn’t know if they were inside his veins or just eating their own little pathways into him. It hurt, but he was dead and didn’t remember for long.
One of them must’ve made it to his skull, because things begin to click there. He had forgotten about the strange is-it-felt-or-heard sensation until the click started. It felt like tiny wires connecting or tiny teeth gnashing. It hurt like a toothache in a mouth so far away he wasn’t sure it was his. He was able to sink away from it now and he did that, slipping away too deep and dark to feel or hear any of it. He didn’t remember that he was dead anymore. He didn’t remember anything.