Title: Meat or Metal
Day/Theme: 21. a soul like the finest wine
Series: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Character/Pairing: John/Cameron
Rating: I have never seen the show, so my only hints at plot came from online.
John remembered a story from childhood about a mermaid who fell in love with a fisherman. It was an odd memory to surface while he was trying to hack into a security system. She had promised that she would become human if the fisherman married her, but the church had said that mermaids had no souls. She had set off to find one.
John didn’t remember what the trials to get a soul had been, but he remembered that by the time she had gotten back, the fisherman had married someone else. Now human enough for her heart to break, the mermaid tried to go back to the ocean. She had drowned and John had torn out the illustration of the poor thing washed up on the beach so he wouldn’t have to look at it anymore.
Now he sort of wished he could remember where the soul had come from. Wasn’t that the question of the ages? Still, maybe it had been the quest and the trevails that had granted the mermaid her soul. Maybe it was something you had earn or had to age like cheese or wine.
Individual experiences created individuals. Was it enough to create a soul or were even human souls just non-physical information skittering through their fleshy hardware? Dead humans crumpled into piles as brokenly as deactivated Terminators did. Lifeless dolls of meat or metal, it all still reminded him of the little watercolor illustration of a creature that had been beautiful face down in the ocean that should’ve been her home.