Title: Minus a Kiss
Day/Theme: 20. guilty of being innocent
Series: Beetlejuice
Character/Pairing: BJ/Lydia
Rating: PG, sometime after the movie
It had gone wrong.
He was such a stickler for loopholes that he knew every rule in the book. (The better to break them, my dear…) He had followed them exactly as faithfully as was required to get what he wanted, but something had still gone wrong. He was legally married. The words had been said; the ring had been exchanged. All that was missing was the kiss, and that was enough of a loophole that Otho’s hastily attempted exorcism had suckerpunched him.
Bound by vows and a circle of gold, he was granted a strange sort of citizenship among the living. It was enough to keep him from being banished back to the land of the dead. But he was not alive, hadn’t been for centuries, and some part of him was still being sucked into the void.
He collapsed with a howl and his vivid suit jerked into stripes and then began to fade. He thrashed like he was being electrocuted and screamed like he was being stretched on the rack. Every one living was frozen by the sound. It wasn’t every day a soul in torment shrieked on your living room floor, after all. Even the Maitlands were horrified.
“Somebody do something!” Barbara gasped. But they hadn’t known what to do and he had been dragged through the floor, into the sand, clawing and crying all the way to Saturn. Luckily enough, as soon as she had recovered, his young bride (almost) had stuttered out his name three times and yanked him back.
It had gone very wrong. He was still able to come and go. He still had to be summoned and he could still be banished. He wasn’t completely free, but he had gained maybe something else. It would really hit the fan if anyone knew that it had been the girl who got him loose and not his own power. But he was the only one privy to that little tidbit, (entendre intended) and as long as everyone assumed it was his mojo that made it all possible, they wouldn’t come looking for a way to stop it.
He had to swallow his pride, yes, and a foul, choking mouthful that was, but his reputation was still intact, and not that it should matter, so was the girl’s.