Title: Her life
Author: Ceria
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Character: Poppy Pomfrey
Disclaimer: JKR owns all and is very rich. I own none of these and am penniless.
Word Count: 100
Daydreaming during a quiet day, Poppy's mind returned to her youth when Hippocrates Smethwyck was the only man in her dreams. They planned their future goals together, until Dumbledore asked her to work at Hogwarts for little pay and no free time.
She stood up, smoothing her skirts as the doors to her ward opened with yet another emergency. Now her life involved children of all ages coming to her with tears, dragon bites or broken noses at the strangest hours. Poppy smiled reassuringly at the young girl; this was her life, and she didn't regret a moment of it.