[June 24] [Toward the Terra] An Encounter (The Reason For)

Jun 24, 2010 12:41

Title: An Encounter (The Reason For)
Day/Theme: June 24, "floating in empty space"
Series: Toward the Terra
Character/Pairing: Keith and Jomy
Rating: PG

part one: why Keith Anyan fights

Matsuka acts in time, and Keith finds himself falling through space surrounded by the same kind of shield he has seen the Mu use. He is...not relieved (only the opposite result would have brought relief--but no, he shouldn't think that), but satisfied. He can continue to fight the Mu.

But why?

The cloud of debris from the explosion clears, and across from him, shooting upwards as Keith falls, is Jomy Marcus Shin. He is unfazed by the wreckage around him, unaffected by the vacuum of space--

(--unrepentant for everything he had done. Uncaring that he had destroyed Sam's mind and invaded Keith's. How could he do such things and not pay for them? He should pay. It's the only way to make the hurt and bitterness at the center of Keith's being dissipate.)

--and that is why he must fight the Mu, Keith concludes. Because they have the same dark hearts as human beings, but powers far beyond what any human has ever had access to. By their very existence, they will destroy all that he lives to defend. For the sake of Superior Domination and the universe it protects, he will destroy them instead. There can be no compromise.

(All that matters is already gone. All that's left is cold and hateful and full of pain. But no. That's not why he fights. It can't be. He's above all that.)

part two: why Jomy Marcus Shin fights

Jomy is in time. He catches Physis in his arms and envelops her in his shield: the reason he came up here is accomplished. One Mu is saved. But he cannot shake the image of that man falling past him, shrouded by a green shield. It's true what the others said, then: there's a Mu helping him.

He still has so many more Mu to save, and to do that, he has to fight at least one. It's best, he decides, if he doesn't mention it again to the others. If Soldier doesn't bring it up, he knows, they'll forget about it. That's how they work. And it's better if they don't think about how they're fighting one of their own.

He'll fight one Mu to save all the others he cares for.

(In time, there will be fewer Mu to save, because so many will already be dead, and more Mu to save, because the stakes will be much higher than one forgotten red planet. Then he will fight for the memories of the ones he has lost and the futures of those he does not yet know, and the whole time he will remember why he is doing it. That will not make it easier to bear, not at all. But maybe it will make it right.)
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