[June 12] [Fruits Basket] Spider

Jun 12, 2010 12:32

Title: Spider
Day/Theme: June 12, "the cobweb of family secrets"
Series: Fruits Basket
Character/Pairing: Akito, Akito/Shigure. Post-series.
Rating: PG-13

There had never been a spider in the Zodiac. She simply hadn't been invited, or the god had never met her. But sometimes, after it was all over and the last bonds had broken, Akito thought it might have been nice to be the spider instead of the god. She could have sat in the center of a web and felt them all moving along it, while all the while being one of them instead of something separate and above.

But when the spider abandoned her web, it grew thin and dusty, an empty burden rather than a useful home. That was what the bonds of the Zodiac had become like to its members, Akito knew now. The others were free of them now, but sometimes, she would swear she could still feel the abandoned cobwebs they'd left behind. She was supposed to be better now, but she was lonely and frightened and covered in the dust of the past.

But she thought these terrible things in the glow of the morning sun coming in through the windows and spreading its rays across the bed, reaching to where Shigure lay next to her, still asleep. Akito turned to look at him, and she thought: there was still one fragment of the web that stuck as it should. The bond might have been broken, but Shigure was still all hers in a way the other members of the Zodiac never had been.

She grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled until he turned over, blinking sleepily in the morning light. "Wake up," she hissed. She could still command him, because he still belonged to her in his own way.

Without waiting for a response, without asking his permission, she kissed him, and when he kissed her in return, she could feel the remains of the web at her fingertips as she stroked him.
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