Title: At Ease
Day/Theme: absolutely necessary to a gentleman
Series: Hellsing
Character/Pairing: Walter, Seras
There were things he was never seen without, his uniform, his monocle, his air of unruffled competence. In fact, Seras had never seen him out of uniform, with his hair down, or looking anything but understatedly perfect. He never looked frazzled or tired or as if he hadn’t been up all night on the phone, on the computer, hovering at his master’s elbow for the moment she was ready for tea. Even in middle of combat, he had never been startled or flustered enough to even let his monocle slip, much less his composure.
As nervous and uncertain as Seras herself almost always was, she couldn’t help but admire that. In fact the only times she felt anywhere near as calm and comfortable as he always seemed to be were the ones where he was there, making it possible. She remembered some movie she had seen once that has something about the mark of a true gentleman was how at ease they made the people around them. It was true of Walter, anyway.
She found herself considering the mansion more his than Integra’s, which was probably blasphemous on some level, but he was the one who walked the halls. It was his presence that was felt all through the place, subtler than Alucard’s, little pockets of psychometry wherever he touched. Maybe Seras was the only who felt it, or maybe she was the only that was affected this way by it.
She could smell him, catching a whiff as she passed the leather chair. She was sure that he leaned in the doorway, could almost see the lingering body heat of his fingers on the edge of the door. It did put her at ease, made her feel safer than the walls did.