Title: Seepage
Day/Theme: Feb. 21 - Icarus also flew
Series: Merlin (BBC 2008 series)
Character/Pairing: Uther, Arthur
Rating: PG-ish
Spoilers: 1x09, 1x13
When Uther touches Arthur, the magic just seeps. Leaches through the thick leather of his gloves and into Arthur, storing itself somewhere deep beneath the skin.
Uther can’t stop it, and though he burns and beheads any other subject of Camelot that would dare use sorcery, he can taste the magic on his tongue as it twists and actually forces Arthur to sleep (when it should just be untainted, fatherly words of comfort).
It is, Uther knows, just another consequence of damning Igraine’s soul for her to conceive and birth (this abomination with a human face) his son and heir.