[February 2] [Avatar: the Last Airbender] Shell

Feb 02, 2009 21:28

Title: Shell
Day/Theme: February 2/waves vied for your attention
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Character/Pairing: Katara/Yue
Rating: G
Word Count: 288
A.N. Also written for the avatar_contest prompt "Avatar Ladies."

Katara is not an artist. But this morning she goes down to the water’s edge and picks out five tiny perfect shells, each like the other. She spends her morning drilling small holes into them. When the others ask what she is doing, she only gives a mysterious smile and continues with her work.

In the afternoon she takes fine threads and weaves them into a string, and then slides the shells onto it. She smiles again, pleased with the results. Now she waits for night.

When the moon is high over the sea she walks to the beach. She holds up her necklace in the direction of the moon and bows. That is when Yue the Moon Spirit appears, descending to the surface of the water. The waves all rush to meet the beautiful spirit, and she allows them to carry her toward the beach where Katara waits. Katara also bends the water, riding the waves to meet Yue.

She holds the necklace out, not really certain if this is a gift for a friend or an offering to a spirit. But Yue is smiling, and bends her head to allow Katara to put the necklace around her neck. When her fingers brush Yue’s skin, Katara remembers a beautiful white-haired princess who gave everything for her people.

For just a moment she wishes that Yue could stay, that they could embrace as friends rather than as a waterbender worshiping her moon. She opens her mouth to speak, but Yue shakes her head and silently kisses her. Lips tingling, Katara watches as she ascends again into the heavens.

She walks back to the campsite with empty hands and the memory of a kiss.
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