Title: Silent as the Grave
Day/Theme: 1) let snow and silence mark the site of my unseemly appetite
Series: The Crow
Character/Pairing: OC Crow
Rating: PG
It was over. The murderers lay cold and quiet as the snow fell. The snow was silent too, landing without even a whisper to cover the bodies and the blood. The puddles became pink and faded back into white as the hours passed. All was still. Finally.
The crow sat on the butt of the rifle sticking out of the snow. The last of the killers had tried to fight back. The last echo of the gunshots had faded out over the snowy mountains. A pointed shape of black in the white winter, the crow shifted to aim an eye at what was left of the man standing as pale and silent as the corpses.
It was done. The clamoring screams for vengeance in his heart had died with the men who had killed him. He had avenged her, and himself. He had clawed his way up through the ice with nothing to fuel him but that need to destroy them. Finally, he had. There was peace now, paid for with death.
“Back to the grave, son,” the crow said as the snow piled deeper and the bodies disappeared. They wouldn’t be found until spring, and then only by coyotes. The dead man turned without a word, and made his way back along the ridge to the one lane road that wound its way out into the woods. There was a cliff to the side, dropping down to the water.
What was left of the man stared down at the ice. The crow landed on his shoulder and they shared a moment in the biting cold silence. Without another word, the crow flew away, and the dead man stepped off the edge, to fall back through the ice, into the water, where he had lost her.
Maybe this time, he could find her again.