Title: Play Hookey
Day/Theme: 05. 3am on a school night
Character/Pairing: The Parr clan
Rating: G
“I have a science quiz first thing tomorrow,” Violet sighed as she peeled her mask off to squint at the clock. “I mean today.”
“Still five hours to cram,” Dash offered, but then yawned. He still smelled a little smoky from the fireball he had dodged earlier.
“Forget it,” their mother sighed, peeling off her own mask and scrubbing her fingers in her hair. “We’re all going to have the stomach flu tomorrow. Every one of us.” She poked a finger at her husband, who was energized as ever after a mission. “We’ll sleep late, call in sick, have pancakes for lunch, and a three day weekend. I call a do-over for Monday.
“Slackers,” Bob teased his family, but took the sleeping Jackjack from Helen without any argument and started toward the nursery.