Title: Les Vacances noires: La Confrontation [Random Scene]
Day/Theme: February 15th - “Money can't buy love, but it improves your bargaining position”
Series: Magic Kaitou
Character/Pairing: Kuroba Kaito, Hakuba Saguru
Rating: PG
The young man looked to the detective with some hesitation. "He's never menetioned anything of the sort," he fnally admitted. Then, he narrowed his eyes in a show of bravado as he added, "Arsène never allows us to keep a single thing without a way to repay--"
Saguru frowned down at him, not able to bring himself to completely believe these words. "If that is true, then where is it exactly that you get the means to repay those people?"
Randolph didn't answer and merely glared at him.
Young Lawrence peered around from behind the eldest of the misfits, curiosity showing on his face before he pulled on Randolph's pants' leg and asked, "Où est Arsène? Il me dit qu'il me mettre la magie--"
"Magic?" asked Saguru with surprise.
The eldest misfit put himself between the detective and the youngest, the distrustful look on his face intensifying. He stated firmly in Japanese, seeming loathe to speak any other language with Saguru, "He's probably confusing Kaito with Arsène. Even if he isn't, I'd prefer if you'd only speak with me. Leave the others out of this."
That took the detective aback a bit. "Why are you so adament about keeping me from them?" he asked in slight puzzlement. "I mean no harm and you know this--"
"I know that you are trying to cover Arsène's name with dirt simply because you can think of no good coming from him," interrupted the younger man sharply, putting a hand to Lawrence's head when the boy tugged on his pantleg again. "I won't allow it in front of the others. You've no idea what kind of life they'd continue to live if not for Arsène--"
"If not for the gifts from the others he's stolen from?" asked Saguru tightly.
"I told you he always repays them--"
"Have you proof that he does?" questioned the detective with utmost seriousness. "Or if you have, what about the money? How is it that he is able to pay for so many of these things--?"
"If you would like to know such things, tantei-san, I'd rather you interrogate me directly."
Saguru turned slowly to face the thief. "Arsène," he said, feeling his heart jump into his throat at the dark look he was being given.
Without a word, the other persona of Kuroba Kaito left his position at the threshold and made his way toward the trio.
Seemingly unknowing of the situation, Lawrence darted to the ringleader of the group of misfits, a smile on his face as he shouted, "Arsène!"
Stopping, almost as if he was caught off-guard, the thief smiled and put hand on the lad's shoulders to keep the boy from knocking him over. "Attention," he said in an amused manner. "Est-ce que fais-tu en dehors de son lit? C'est la minuit..."
"J'attends pour vous!" answered the youngest misfit. "Vous êtes supris?"
"Oui..." said Arsène before looking to Saguru and Randolph, an almost hesitant look in his eyes though his face revealed nothing. When he was silent for some time, Lawrence pulled at his sleeve, bringing his attention back. Quietly, he then whispered, "Un moment, s'il te plaît.
"Randolph, can you put him to bed?" Arsène took the boy by the hand and led him back toward the two young men. "I'll stay with the detective and will be a while--"
"You know I don't mind, Arsène," said Randolph quietly.
The thief gave a wane smile. "Of course," he agreed before looking to Lawrence. "C'est bien?"
Looking a bit pouty, the boy nodded.
Arsène ruffled his hair in a brotherly manner.
Saguru once again found himself at a loss to knowing which Arsène was the true Arsène. Yes, he had heard from Kaito of his own meetings with the misfits under his other personality's wing, but every action since then, especially in regards to the thief's behavior...
"What about Elise?" asked Randolph quietly with worry, jerking Saguru from his thoughts.
Arsène shook his head. "Try your best until I get back?" He glanced to the detective again. "It might take some time."
The second-in-command hesitated for a moment before nodding, leading Lawrence away and leaving the other two to their own business.
Neither spoke for a long moment.
Then Arsène simply said in a stiff manner, "Want to know where the money comes from, tantei-san? Then feel free to follow me. I have to meet with some people." With that, he turned quickly away and headed toward the exit.
"Why do you play these games?" asked Saguru before he could get far.
The thief stopped before he took another step. "Games?" he echoed, seeming distantly amused by the idea. He glanced over his shoulder and finally replied with a smirk, "Because it just kills you that you still can't grasp the motives of the criminal."
Saguru was still thinking of a proper retort when the door shut.
-end of scene-
... how it applies to the theme: Saguru asking about money gets him no love. However, it does give a chance to get to know the criminal better. And thus... a bargain?
Yeah, I got nuthin'