Title: You, But Never Me
Day/Theme: September 1st - "Your Name Begins With a Distinct Color"
Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Pairing: KuroFai
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers up to manga chapter 166. ♥
You, But Never Me
Caught on the verge of a new world, a rainbow of power swirling down around them like colored ribbons, Fai can only stare. He is covered with blood, most of it not his own, and his heart threatens to shatter (like a crystal castle left behind, forever) with something far too big for his body.
"You always..." he tries, but his voice doesn't quite work right. (That happens when you're always dying.) "Why must you be the one to sacrifice?" Because Fai (but Fai is gone now, it's Yuui, Yuui) would have stayed behind, locked in that closing universe.
It would not have been so different from a tower.
Kurogane is still standing, an iron will keeping him on his feet. His hand reaches down. A finger brushes Fai's eye patch.
"What do you think this was?"