Title: My First and Only Love
Day/Theme: Aug 6: For I offer my worship only to you
Series: Pirates of the Caribbean
Character/Pairing: Jack/the sea
Rating: G
For all the trinkets and talismans that decorated his hair, fingers, clothes, and ears, he only kept them because they were shiny and impressive, not for any religious symbols they might have had. He had been to too many places and seen how insane too many religions were to have much respect. The whole clergy incident had driven that home.
There was only one thing that Jack would've given his soul for. Peaceful and beautiful, or raging and terrible, his devotion was utter. For all the superstitions pirates had, the Captain only feared being parted from the sea. It was Gibbs' job to fuss and fret over the color of the sky at dawn and what had to be spit at or after. Jack only wanted to sail the sea forever. He could give up everything else, but not that.