Title: Knight’s Nights
Day/Theme: May 2: one by one the nights will fall
Character/Pairing: Integra
Rating: PG
She was getting older. Time was ticking by. She wouldn’t always be young and powerful. Well, maybe she would. She hadn’t made her decision about that yet. All right, maybe she had. But it was still her secret for the moment.
She didn’t do much by daylight anymore. She remembered nights like other remembered their afternoons. Sometimes she missed brightness and warmth. Most of the time, she didn’t. Alucard had suggested that she was preparing herself for unlife as a vampire. She had only smiled coldly, and not even at him. He would just have to guess what it meant.
Time wasn’t growing short just yet. There was still plenty of nights left before she had to take action. In the meantime, her servant could wait and wonder. He had many nights ahead of him. And she had just enough to suit her plans.