[April 3] [Original Story: Endtimes] We See Ghosts Where We Want To

Apr 03, 2007 06:42

Hi, all... first poster, long time lurker typing. I figured I might as well try my hand to this since I've gotten back into writing these days.

Title: We See Ghosts Where We Want To
Day/Theme: April 3 - Nostalgia
Series: Endtimes (original story of mine)
Character/Pairing: Junko, Hikaru
Rating: G

She remembered waking up one afternoon to an empty futon and the sound of rain. The two tea cups beside it was lukewarm, one untouched and the other half-empty. She left the room and wandered about the house with nothing but a silk robe to shield her from the elements.

She found him in the North Wing, where the wind was soft and the rain fell hardest. He sat, straight-backed and cross-legged on the patio overlooking the lake as it swallowed tears from the sky.

"I hadn't wanted to wake you."

"It was a nice try."

The smile was in his eyes and not on his lips when he turned to look at her. His was the face of a lord, a leader, and the man she had married decades back, in the lighted courts of ghosts and demons. She leaned against the post, forehead pressed near the cool wood, smiling because he would not.

"Coffee is a lot healthier than cigarettes, if you're going for substance abuse."

"Excuse me?"

Junko Shinta started, realizing only at that moment that she had spoken aloud. Her youngest son, the last of her children, watched her from where he was, in the same spot her husband used to occupy years ago.

"It's nothing, my dear. My mind wanders against my will these days."

"You should allow yourself more time to rest. I shall inform your servants."

Why hadn't she seen it sooner? Mitsuoumi was in her eldest's height and face: her daughter had been her mirror. But it was in the turn of Hikaru's head and the timbre of his voice that she could see her husband again. He alone had inherited Mitsuoumi Shinta's ruthlessness and foresight. He even cultivated her husband's bad habits.

She received no looks, only gestures when she moved to join Hikaru: her son shifted to shield her from the wind, and moved his cigarette where the ash and smoke would not bother her. He did not do this because he loved her and worried for her health in her age. She was aware of this.

"It has been over a year since I've seen you at home like this."

"I know my place well enough. That's all there is to it."

Junko leaned into his warmth and said nothing more.

I'll definitely try and get some fanfiction out next time. @_@
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