Title: Like an Expletive
Day/Theme: Once More
Series: Beetlejuice
Character Pairing: Lydia/Beetlejuice
Rating: G
The first time she said it, it was just a grumble. He still heard it though and his crusty ears perked. It almost sounded like a swear word the way she said his name, and he would be lying if that thought didn’t please him. It was just the once, though, and time stretched out without another one. He stretched himself along the Veil to see what he could tell.
She wasn’t near a mirror, so he couldn’t spy on her directly. He was capable of subtlety though. He was more powerful than anyone knew. Just because it was more fun to do jump scares and gross jokes, didn’t mean he couldn’t do serious and seriously powerful mojo. It would bring some attention though, so he had to be careful with it.
It might not be worth the trouble, but that thought made him grin. Any kind of trouble was worth it. He just had to get himself in the right mindset.
He didn’t breathe anymore, but it sounded like an exhale. His body went lax. He always floated, but now he hovered like he was suspended in deep water. His eyes rolled back in his head and glowed white. His power reached out and out and just a little bit farther and there she was. The mortal girl with the magic words. She was hard at work at something.
Had she said his name without realizing it? She didn’t seem to be aware of anything that wasn’t happening on the paper in front of her. If she could say his name unawares, she might say it again. Anticipation sang in the atmosphere, predatory and eager. Her head raised as she slowly became aware of it.
“Beetlejuice?” she said, and lo and behold, that was the second time. Just one more and the chains would fall empty and the barrier between worlds would part as easily as mist and he would be free and there wouldn’t be anything in either world that could stop them.
“Not yet,” she said, slamming the book shut. As if he cared about what she was writing. As if anything mattered but one little word with three little syllables, said just once more… But she walked away and kept her mouth firmly closed. It snapped him back into the prison of his dead form, in the prison of the dead world.
It was him that growled her name like an expletive this time. He didn’t care if she heard him or not.