Title: Running Low
Day/Theme: 1. the soon-to-be dead.
Series: Mad Max:Fury Road
Character/Pairing: Nux
Rating: G
Even with the white paint, the War Boy blended in with the stone walls. He wasn’t even sitting upright anymore. He was slumped over, only the one arm outstretched. He looked at it, at the needle in his vein and the thin little hose pumping blood into him. The white paint hid the pallor underneath. The black around his face hid the real shadows under his eyes. He didn’t look up at the Blood Bag hanging over him where the blood was coming from. He just wished it would go faster.
He didn’t have time to lay here over and over and get new, clean blood to keep him going. Every day brought him closer to not being able to get up again. And that couldn’t happen. His body was breaking down faster than he could put it back together and he had to find a way to break out of it before it died around him. Something that burned away any memory of him sick and miserable and left only awe and glory.
He heard boots on the floor and watched a few of his brothers go by. He stayed crouched over so they wouldn’t see him so weak. He looked back to the hose in his arm and willed it to go faster, for it to fill him up and make him strong again.
He needed another chance. Just one more. He could hear more War Boys coming and they seemed louder and faster than ever. Was it just his head echoing before the blood topped him off, or was something wrong? He couldn’t tell yet. He would have to wait until they came close enough to ask. He wished they would hurry, too. Time was running out and he knew it.