[September 1] [Pokémon] Memphis Sky

Sep 01, 2011 01:19

Title: Memphis Sky
Day/Theme: September 1 - all the gates of love you won’t walk through
Series: Pokemon Special AU - Offspring Trilogy
Character/Pairing: Silver and Janine
Words: 440
Rating: T
Notes: Offspring Trilogy is an AU series that I’ll be working on in the future. This is a bit of a spoiler for the second part.

Silver didn’t want to do this.

“Janine, get out of the way,” he snarls, pretending to be fierce. His father raised him to be fierce, but his father also raised him to be cruel and heartless and greedy, and Silver didn’t want to be any of those things.

But Janine did (she was Team Rocket, heart and soul), and Janine was the one standing in his way, arms folded as though she could stop him. “You can’t run away,” she told him crossly. “Your father would disapprove.”

“I don’t care,” Silver tells Janine. “Get the fuck out of the way. I don’t want to make you.” Threats, Giovanni had told him, were the best way to get things done fast, but the worst way to make allies. Bribes work better for that.

Except the only thing Silver had at the moment was a small silver pistol from his father, and pistols aren’t good for bribes. Maybe threats, though.

Silver didn’t want to be cruel and heartless and greedy. Is it greedy, though, to want to suck the marrow out of life and thrive on your own decisions? If so, then his father’s done a good job of raising the perfect son.

“No,” Janine whispered, and Silver pulled out the gun. Her eyes widened but flickered back to his set face. “You wouldn’t.”

“I can and will,” Silver said, voice low, and he surprised himself when he realized that it was true. “I’m leaving, and you’re not going to stop me.”

Janine prided herself on her ability to stand her ground, and this case was no exception. “Why do you want to leave. You’re the boss’s son, for mew’s sake. What’s out there that you can’t have anyway?”

He stopped for a minute, because it was a valid question that deserved a proper answer. He said, “Freedom.” Because freedom wasn’t something you could find in Giovanni’s fortress, or even in this region.

“Sorry, not good enough,” Janine told him, then sprang into rapid action. Everything became a blur, because she was kicking and he was pulling the trigger and there was blood everywhere and Silver was running, running far away.

She was barely fourteen. She would never know what it was like to live, truly live, and she would never walk through the wide open gates of love.

Silver couldn’t care about the fact that he’d just killed a girl, a girl that he had thought promising and kind-hearted. He couldn’t afford to care, because the second her life became equivalent to his, then his would be equally worthless.

Silver didn’t want to do this. But sometimes, he had no choice.
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