Title: The Scar Hurts When He's Here...!
Theme: # 7 Cat - Set 1
Claim: Zoro/Sanji
Words: 513
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: 3D2Y, crack and an obscure Harry Potter reference
Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece
The cat had simply walked on board when the Sunny had been docked in a small town. The cat wasn't wearing a collar, and when he presented himself to Chopper he told the reindeer that he didn't have a human, but if it was all right with the doctor, the cat would love to share his humans because they smelled quite friendly. Of course, Luffy was overjoyed.
And so the cat stayed, and Tom, as the cat had told his name was, soon became a part of the crew. He liked to spend most of his time, both awake and sleeping, in the kitchen and so Sanji was one of the Strawhats that grew closest to Tom. Sanji, however, noticed someone that wasn't as fond of the cat as the rest of themselves.
Zoro took wide detours to avoid Tom and whenever he was in the kitchen, he made sure to keep a glaring eye on him. It was even worse when he and Sanji were alone , or alone with Tom. Breaking the kiss they shared pressed against the sink, Zoro growled and glared at the watching cat.
“I can't do this when he's looking...”
Sanji looked tired at him from under his bangs. “You jealous of a freaking cat, or what the hell is wrong with you? You scared of a cat? It's not even black so don't pull some bad luck karma shit on me.”
“No, 's not that.”, Zoro replied honestly. “My scar hurts and I'm just not really fond of being around cats since that...” He interrupted himself and a faint blush crept up his chins.
A smug smile appeared on Sanji's face as he lit up a cigarette. He knew he wanted to hear more about this.
“Since that..., marimo? Since that what?” His fingers were threading through the green hair that had grown a little longer during the two years, now just enough for him to get a good grip as he pulled in Zoro for an almost-kiss while he held his cigarette in the other hand.
“Screw you...”, Zoro muttered, but Sanji shook his head and placed a light kiss on the scar going down Zoro's face through his left eye.
“Come on, it can't be that bad~?”, Sanji teased as he tried to withhold the laughter that was threatening to burst out. He had a theory about this, but he couldn't wait to hear it from the swordsman's own mouth. Zoro must have guessed as much because he was glaring at the blond with the same gaze he used on Tom.
“Very funny, shitty-cook.. Ha-ha... The big buffoon looses an eye to a bloody cat, yes.”, Zoro muttered, shoulders hanging and gaze burning through Sanji.
“That damned ghost girl needed to save every fucked up animal she found, even the cat from hell. And he was called Charles Longclaw III and he is now a dead son of a bitch so if you don't want to meet the same fate you can stop laughing now...”