Title: Back In My Arms
Author: tora_minamino
Pairing: Kiyomaro Takamine and Megumi Ooumi
Fandom: Konjiki no Gash Bell (Zatch Bell)
Theme: 2: news; letter
Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, do not hold any claim to Konjiki no Gash Bell.
"Megumi, how much time until we land?"
Megumi, her forehead pressed against the airplane window, chuckled at the young demon's impatience. "We still have a while to go," she responded.
The pair was currently on their way to the United States, where Megumi would be promoting the release of her new album, the first one to make it to America. In all honesty, Megumi had been a bit surprised to find the she had already accumulated quite a few fans there, and she felt more than just a little anxious at the idea of meeting them all for the first time.
Her demon partner must have guessed how Megumi was feeling, since she gently tugged her sleeve, drawing the idol's attention away from the view of the sea below.
"Why don't you write to Kiyomaro? I bet he'd love to hear from his girlfriend." As she uttered the word "girlfriend," a smug grin spread across Tio's face, and she was forced to suppress a chuckle.
Megumi's face turned beet red at the mention of Kiyomaro, whom she had just recently begun dating. Aside from Gash and Tio, no one else was aware that Megumi was no longer seeing someone; poor Kiyomaro wouldn't be able to walk to school without being jumped by a reporter or fan if anyone else received word of the news.
"I-I suppose that might be a good idea," she stuttered, attempting to hide her embarrassment with an obviously fake laugh.
The brunette began to dig through the drawstring bag that she had carried with her onto the plane, the rest of her bags having been taken to the luggage compartment. She at last retrieved pencil, a clipboard, and a rather crumpled piece of paper, which she made a quick attempt to flatten before pressing the pencil to her lips, deep in thought. After a moment, she had a vague idea of how the letter would go, and she put pencil to paper and began to write.
Dear Kiyomaro-kun,
How are you?
This was hastily erased; it was too formal for a letter to Kiyomaro.
Tio and I are on our way to America as I’m writing this. Tio asks everyone five minutes if we're there yet, and I’m beginning to wish that I could have brought Gash-kun along to keep her company. Once I’m done with this tour, we ought to try and do something, just the two of us. We’ll have to figure out a way to convince Gash-kun and Tio to stay behind, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it.
Megumi almost erupted in a fit of laughter at this; the mental image of Gash clinging desperately to Kiyomaro as he begged his bookkeeper to take him along was hilarious.
Well, I hope you're enjoying yourself! Write me back, okay?
Love, Megumi
Megumi read over the letter, and deciding that she was satisfied, tucked it away in her bag. She’' mail it once the plain had landed.
"Kiyomaro! Kiyomaro!"
Kiyomaro merely glared at the excruciatingly loud demon, which had appeared in the doorway and was excitedly waving an envelope in the air.
"Guess what?" Gash continued as he shoved the envelope in front of Kiyomaro’s nose. "It's from Megumi!"
At this, Kiyomaro snatched the item from Gash's hands, hurriedly reading over the address on the front. Where Megumi's name should have been was a blank; lack of privacy had made Megumi overly cautious, although it was probably for the best. The envelope had already been torn open at the top, and it looked as if someone had hastily stuffed the letter back inside.
"Gash?" Kiyomaro growled, but Gash had already departed, no doubt aware that his bookkeeper would be furious upon discovering that he had already opened the letter.
Resigned to yell at Gash later, Kiyomaro began to read. As he finished, his lips formed a pleased smile, his feeling of excitement heightened by the possibility of seeing Megumi again soon. Just another few weeks until she'd be back in his arms.