Title: Ten Reasons (Prelude To A Kiss)
ginnysetaPairing: Zoro/Nami
Fandom: One Piece
Theme: 10 - #10
Disclaimer: Not mine. Oda's. Love him.
Notes: First off, thank you to the mod team for doing such an awesome job! I wish I could help too, but real life has been catching up to me. Not to mention I'm behind on my own fics. Secondly, this isn't really a full fledged fic - just a little idea I had to get one of the odder themes out of the way, and to get me back in the swing of things. Expect something with more meat on it in (and hopefully less crappy) the near future! Feedback is appreciated, please be polite. Finally, I know this pairing is unpopular, if you don't like it, no one is saying you need to read it. Thank you muchly everyone!
Ten reasons I love her.
1. For saving my ass almost as many times as I’ve saved hers.
2. She knows how to think under pressure, and still be smart.
3. That intense (but beautiful) look she gets when she’s at her desk., working hard on one of her maps.
4. She can sometimes keep Luffy out of trouble better than any of us.
5. The way she looks on top.
6. How even though she is a selfish bitch, she is still generous where it counts.
7. For not giving in to the cook.
8. She understands the value of a dream for the sake of someone long gone.
9. Her smell.
10. The fact that I can sleep without her wondering if I’m dreaming of someone or something else.
Ten reasons I love him.
1. He is protective of me, and of the crew, but is not over protective.
2. What he lacks in brain power, he makes up for in strength.
3. The way he shrugs it off when Sanji smothers me with attention...accompanied by a knowing look in his eyes.
4. How perfectly snug and comfortable I feel in his arms, which could easily choke a lion.
5. The fact that he gives me room to breathe.
6. His tight, firm buttocks.
7. He knows how to have a good time with rum.
8. For letting me fight my own battles, but being there to catch me if I fall.
9. Because he would only do everything in his power to push me towards my dream, and not hold me back from it.
10. For letting me be on those nights when I need to be alone with my photo of Bellemere.