Title: Dawn
seikochanPairing: Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) x Seiya Kou (Sailor Star Fighter)
Fandom: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Theme: #29. the sound of waves
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Tsukino Usagi, Seiya Kou, and any of the other characters that are mentioned in this drabble do not belong to me, but to the impressive Naoko Takeuchi. Neither do I own Rin Oikawa's "She Said". If I did own them, then this disclaimer would not exist. ^_~ I fail at titles, by the way. D: Here's my
table so far~
If you didn't know about it, you would probably pass right by it. But Seiya Kou had been here many times before. Ever since accidentally discovering it while cruising about aimlessly one day, he had silently declared it his secret spot and retreated to the place every time he was feeling troubled, lonely, or just wanted somewhere to rest. He loved the place, and had never shown it to anybody else, not even to Taiki and Yaten.
Well, he smiled as he snuck a peek over at the blonde snoring gently in the passenger seat, not until now, at least.
He maneuvered the car expertly, parking it just a short distance from the main road. He turned the engine off, pocketing the keys before exiting the vehicle. The young man strode over to the passenger side, opening the door and crouching down to poke the dozing girl. "Ne, Odango, we're here," he murmured, trying to shake her awake.
"Mm?" she groaned, starting to open her eyes but closing them quickly as false dawn hit them. She recoiled from the light, grumbling and twisting around to face the other way, and Seiya had to bite down on his lip to keep from laughing.
"Ah, there's no negotiating with you, is there?" he grinned, before leaning down to scoop the young woman into his arms. Usagi protested weakly before deciding that Seiya's arms were more comfortable than they looked, and settled into the crook of his elbow, watching silently with bleary eyes as he carried her down to his spot.
Unless you wandered close enough from the main road to look, it appeared as if the water lapped right up against the stone bridge. Still, it seemed that the builders decided to give enough allowance in case of heavy storms, and so a length of sand remained between the structure and the sea.
It was a small strip of land, not big enough to be called a beach. But Seiya adored it all the same and sat himself upon the warm sand, intent on sharing it with the woman he held in his arms. He arranged the blonde in his lap, allowing her to lean back against his chest as she looked out at the view.
"This is the best part," Seiya murmured to her, his warm breath tickling her ear, but she watched all the same. Slowly, the sun began to rise, and she gasped softly, watching as the first rays hit the horizon, spreading out across the water before chasing each other towards where they sat. As warm sunlight bathed her face, Usagi's lips stretched out into a delighted smile and a soft bubble of laughter escaped her, filled with pure joy in simply watching the sunrise.
His heart ached warmly as the sound filled him with more happiness than he had ever thought possible. "I told you I'd carry you away after the concert," he grinned, but immediately regretted it, feeling her tense up against him. Seiya cursed himself - what kind of idiot would bring that up at such a peaceful moment? "O-Odango ... I didn't -" he tried to remedy his careless mistake, but Usagi had shifted to face him and placed her finger on his lips.
She was quiet for a while, golden brows furrowed as she considered her next words, and he thought himself insane for thinking that she was beautiful like that. Finally, she looked up at him, luminous blue eyes meeting his own dark blue gaze. He felt completely helpless as she slid her hand up to cup his cheek, leaning up to press her lips softly against his.
The kiss was soft and sweet, and he wished more than anything to freeze that one moment in time. She pulled away first, her cheeks as pink as her lips, blue eyes filled with warmth and love underneath demurely-cast long, dark lashes - at that moment, Seiya knew that she would always own his heart. "Thank you," she whispered softly, and it was enough.
If you didn't know about it, you would probably pass right by it. But if you happened to pass by that secret spot that morning and were clever enough to take a peek, you would have seen a dark-haired young man lying back on the sand, protectively cradling a small blonde woman as she slumbered against him, lulled off by the warm morning light and the sound of the waves lapping gently at their feet.