Missing You (Power Rangers SPD, Z Delgado & Bridge Carson, #4 -our distance and that person)

Aug 17, 2007 12:52

Title: Missing You
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Elizabeth ‘Z’ Delgado and Bridge Carson
Theme: # 4 - our distance and that person
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: It can be lonely when a friend leaves...
Word Count: 888
Tag-team effort with and betaed by mariusgirl

Sitting alone in the near darkness of the common room; Z had her arms wrapped about her legs, chin resting upon her knees. Unable to sleep, she had ventured out some time during the night and just sat; letting her mind wander.

She heard the faint hiss of a door opening and glancing around, she spotted Bridge as he wandered towards the food replicator, yawning and rubbing his sleepy eyes. She watched him as he keyed in a command, then grabbing his glass, he turned around and headed for one of the sofas.

“Hey Bridge,” she said quietly.

He jumped slightly, sloshing and spilling some of his water. “Z! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What are you doing out here?” He carefully set the glass down on the small table, not wanting to make a further mess and flopped down on the sofa across from her.

“Couldn’t sleep.”

Bridge eyed her curiously; all day long, he’d been having an itchy feeling that something was off with one of his teammates, but he couldn’t pin it down without scanning them. Now he knew; though they were his friends, he would never invade their privacy to find out what was bugging them. He figured that they would talk about it if they needed to, when they were ready; he idly wondered if Z was ready now.

“Something bothering you?” he asked hesitatingly.

“Hmf...” Z just shrugged her shoulders lightly and shifted her gaze to stare out the window.

He could feel her emotions racing; when he slept, he exchanged his leather gloves in favor of a pair of soft cotton mittens. They worked fine while he was asleep, but they only provided a passing measure of control once awake. He hadn’t thought he would encounter anyone when he got up, so he hadn’t bothered to change them. He could tell she was upset, but not about what. Unsure of what to do, he just sat there, staring at the glass of water before him. He hated seeing his friends worry, but if he asked what was wrong, they would probably assume that he had read them and he didn’t want his friends to think he would ‘eavesdrop’.

‘What should I do? I can’t seem too pushy and ask her if she wants to talk, but I can’t stand to see her like that. I know something’s wrong, if there was a way I could get her to open up to me, I’d...’ Something intruded into his thoughts and for a moment, he was confused as to what it might be.

“Bridge, are you alright?”


“You were staring at your water; something wrong?”

“I’m fine, I was just thinking,” he drew in a calming breath, “Why are you up, Z? Is everything okay?”

“Yah; I guess so.” She fell quiet for a moment, glancing out the window briefly before turning her gaze back on him once more. “I miss him. He’s been with me for so long and now that he’s gone...”

Bridge sighed in understanding, “I know, I kind of miss him too. But he’s not that far away, Z. You can run downtown and see him any time you want.”

“Except when I’m busy. Or when he’s busy. Or when the city needs us. I’ve tried to meet up with him three times already and each time one of us has had to cancel because of our schedules. I feel like I’m losing him...” she trailed off quietly.

“You’re not losing him. It may be difficult to work out times to meet up, but it’ll happen eventually. You could always just pop in for a visit when you have time, you know. Who says you need to schedule an appointment to see your friend?” He cracked a slight smile at her.

“I suppose.”

Gazing at her, he sighed lightly, sensing that she was still in knots over something. Although she missed Jack, clearly that was not the only thing bothering her. Not knowing how to proceed, he took a sip of his water before getting up and returning the glass to the replicator. He wandered towards her, wanting to reach out to her, but instead he began to pass her by; her tremoulous voice stopped him.

“Headed back to bed?”

“Yah, I think so.”

There was a brief pause, “Please don’t leave me alone,” she spoke quietly.

Bridge reversed direction and gingerly sat down on the sofa next to her. “I won’t.”

“It’s just that I feel so lonely without him...”

“You’re not alone, Z. You have everyone here at S.P.D.; Cruger, Kat, Boom, Sky, Syd, me...” She gave him a look full of such aching loneliness that it nearly tore him to pieces. He couldn’t stand it any more; he shifted over closer to her, enough so that their shoulders were touching. “Z?”

She silently accepted the comfort he was offering, snuggling up against him, resting her head against his chest. He was a little surprised at first, but cautiously wrapped an arm about her shoulders after a moment.

She sighed a little, feeling reassured and not quite as lonely with Bridge pressed close to her. “Thank you,” she said softly.

“You’re welcome,” he replied just as quietly, then brushed a feather-light kiss across the top of her head, “I’m here anytime you need me.”
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