Who Would've Ever Guessed It... (Power Rangers SPD, Z Delgado & Bridge Carson, #3 - jolt!)

Aug 12, 2007 10:36

Title: Who Would've Ever Guessed It....
Author/Artist: Lttledvl
Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
Pairing: Elizabeth ‘Z’ Delgado and Bridge Carson
Theme: # 3 - jolt!
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own a bit of it; I just like to play around with the characters.
Summary: Z gets one hell of a shock...
Word Count: 914
Shouts to mariusgirl for giving it the go-over and we're doing this one together, keeps us sane that way ;p

Walking briskly through the corridors of S.P.D., Z grumbled slightly to herself. Since his promotion to Red Ranger, Sky had increased the number of training sessions for the B-Squad and it was beginning to take a toll on the rest of the team.

When he had sprung this latest one on them, Syd had been livid, angrily declaring that she was going down there to talk some sense into their leader, even if it killed him. Z and Bridge had wisely let her go first, neither of them eager to be sucked into the midst of a confrontation.

She had stopped briefly along the way to chat with another cadet, asking after Sam while Bridge went on ahead of her. They had agreed to swing by the observation room first, to avoid bursting in on an all out war, but she stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing Bridge staring dumbfounded at the training room below. She groaned inwardly, figuring there must be a full-fledged fight going on.

“Bridge? What on earth is...” she stopped abruptly as she reached his side and gazed through the window. Eyes widening in shock, she took in the sight of the Red and Pink Rangers caught in a tight lip-lock, bodies pressed close together and hands practically everywhere. “Holy shit,” she mumbled quietly.

“Tell me about it,” Bridge muttered back.

“How the hell did this happen? I thought Syd was ready to kill him, not...” she arched an eyebrow as Syd started peppering Sky’s neck with kisses, “make out with him.”

Bridge only shrugged and grunted vaguely in response.

Z was floored. The last thing she would have expected to encounter was her teammates getting hot and heavy with each other. She stared at them in wonder, but after a while, her surprise began to wear off and shifted to fascination. The way they were entwined around each other, hands and lips everywhere was beginning to make Z feel something herself. She couldn’t help it; they were entirely too sexy together and it was making her aroused.

A quick glance out of the corner of her eye caught Bridge in a highly unusual expression. Staring intently at them, cheeks flushed and lips parted slightly, his breath coming in quick gasps. Z felt a sudden rush of heat staring at him as he watched his teammates. ‘Oh Christ,’ she thought vaguely.

“Um, you know, maybe we shouldn’t be spying on our teammates.” She finally managed to get her brain to work somewhat and while she did feel a bit strange at being voyeuristic, she was having a hard time peeling her eyes away from the sight before her.

“Uh-uh,” was the quiet reply as Syd started snaking her hands underneath Sky’s shirt and jacket, while his fingers laced through her hair. “Maybe we should take notes.”

“What?!” Z shot a look of surprise at Bridge, fully focusing on the Green Ranger for the fist time.

He gestured vaguely at the window, “Just look at them; maybe we could learn a thing or two about kissing.”

Z crossed both arms over her chest and tapped her foot lightly on the floor, her expression warring between amusement and annoyance. “I don’t need notes. I’ll have you know, I’m a terrific kisser.”

Bridge shifted his gaze to her, eyebrows arching in curiosity. “Oh really? I don’t suppose you have any proof of that, do you?”

Z was about to stammer out an angry retort when she finally noticed the smirk and mischievous twinkle in his eyes. She suddenly went from anger straight to heated arousal as she realized with a start the way Bridge seemed to be taking her in. Without a word, she quickly stepped in front of him, capturing his lips in a fierce, yet gentle kiss. Releasing all her recent pent-up emotions and frustration, she twined her tongue around his as soon as he had parted his lips, running her hands up to the back of his head and threading her fingers through his hair as she drew him further in.

She held him on to him as he wrapped his arms about her, eliminating any space between their bodies. She kissed him until she could hardly breathe; finally releasing him, she was thrilled to see that he was as breathless as she was.

“Whoa...” Bridge gazed into her eyes with an unreadable expression.

She grinned at him, “Told you,” her smirk increasing slightly, “You’re pretty good yourself.”

“Thanks.” He gazed briefly back to the training room below. “I don’t think they’re going to be done anytime soon.”

Z peered over her shoulder at them. Sometime during her and Bridge’s exploration of each other, Sky and Syd had both managed to shed jackets, Sky losing his shirt as well. She groaned slightly, ‘Damn, he’s hot,’ but her thoughts quickly focused elsewhere as she turned back to the man before her, ‘Wonder what he’s like without the uniform.’ Bridge still had a grip on her; she could feel the strength in his arms and the vague hint of built muscles through his jacket.

She quickly wriggled her way out of his grasp, then snatched up a hand instead, dragging him away from the window. “Z...?”

“I don’t think they need prying eyes anymore,” she gave him a coy look before wrapping her arms about his waist, “Besides, it might be too much of a distraction for you.”

“A distraction?” he replied smugly as he returned the embrace, “From what?”

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