Title: Moon Tears
seikochanPairing: Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) x Seiya Kou (Sailor Star Fighter)
Fandom: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Theme: #22. cradle
Rating: PG for the situation.
Disclaimer: Tsukino Usagi, Seiya Kou, and any of the other characters that may be mentioned in this drabble are not my property, but belong to the amazing Naoko Takeuchi. I do, however, take responsibility for whatever cheesy lines the two may say. ^.^ Here's my
table so far.
"Ne, why does it rain?"
Seiya turns his head to see Usagi at the large window of the penthouse apartment, her hands pressed to the glass as she watched the pitter-patter of raindrops against the cool surface and all of Tokyo. Carefully, he slips out of bed, wrapping a sheet around himself as he walks up to her.
"It rains ... Because the stars are crying," he says, bringing up his hands to touch the soft white skin left uncovered by the flimsy bed sheet wrapped around her body. His thumbs caress the reflections of raindrops playing about her skin, tracing their paths as they slide down her arms and into the darkness.
"What if the Moon cries? What happens then?" she suddenly asks. He stops stroking her skin and carefully maneuvers her around so that she is facing him. It is dark - only the pale moonshine offers a source of light in the dark room - but he can still make out the faint glimmer in her eyes.
"Well ..." he starts measuredly, wrapping his arms around her lithe form. "When the Moon cries ... Winds rage, thunder booms and lightning strikes ... And everyone on Earth feels the Moon's pain." As if to accentuate his explanation, a burst of lightning streaks across the night sky, closely followed by a loud rumble of thunder and a great rush of wind.
Usagi buries her face into Seiya's chest, clinging to him desperately as if she were drowning. "The Earth feels pain?" she whimpers. Her entire body shakes furiously against him, and Seiya feels his heart break. He draws her closer to him, feeling the little tremors that run all along her body. Her mouth moves frantically against his skin, and it takes him a while to realize what she keeps repeating - "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
He lifts her up into his arms and carries her away from the rain-soaked window. Gently, he sits down upon the king-sized bed and shifts her body in his arms until she is cradled against him like a little child. He makes soft shushing noises, occasionally humming pieces of yet unfinished songs, until her cries dull down to a mere trembling and the occasional hitched breath.
"Not just the Earth," he suddenly remarks, and she looks up at him confusedly. "It's not just the Earth that feels pain," Seiya elaborates, threading his hand through her long, golden locks. "The planets ... The galaxy ... The entire universe feels the Moon's pain."
Usagi stays quiet, contemplating Seiya's words, but crying has exhausted her greatly, and soon she is lulled into a dreamless sleep, her tears still glimmering wetly along her dark lashes. Seiya shifts her slightly, enough for him to see her face. He raises his hand, tracing the tracks of wetness along her cheeks. He wipes the tears away, marveling at how much they looked like pearls in the dim light.
Carefully, he tilts his head down, pressing a soft kiss to each eyelid and tasting the salt of her tears. He closes his eyes, feeling a familiar bittersweet emotion rise through his body and pierce his heart. Two tears plop wetly from his eyes, landing on Usagi's cheeks and mingling with the remnants of her own.
"The stars feel your pain, too, Usagi. And that is why they cry."