Title: Ten Year Anniversary
seikochanPairing: Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) x Seiya Kou (Sailor Star Fighter)
Fandom: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Theme: #10. #10
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Tsukino Usagi, Seiya Kou, and any of the other various characters that may be mentioned here do not belong to me, but to the marvelous Naoko Takeuchi. I'm just borrowing them to act out my girlish fantasies and whatnot. Hee. Playing with fictional characters is fun! Also, the song "Hands Clean" belongs to Alanis Morrisette; I just borrowed a couple of lines for the LJ-cut thingamabob.
A/N: Yes, yes, I know all about destiny and Crystal Tokyo and world peace and so on, but this is just my speculation on what might have happened after the somehow-but-not-really open-ended series. As for what happened to everyone else ... I'll leave that up to your imaginations, 'kay? ;)
She never really knew what compelled her to return to Earth. Perhaps it was the boredom that came after the rebuilding of Kinmoku, or that strange feeling of being slowly suffocated by the endless politics that came with being the Princess' - now the Queen's - most trusted protector, or just a whim that stemmed from feelings she thought she had buried so long ago.
Whatever the reason, the star Senshi found herself wandering through the galaxy, traveling light years worth of distance to find that beautiful blue planet that she had not seen in about a decade, if you were to follow the Earth calendar. She didn't really know what to expect when she arrived - would everything still be as she had left it, or would Earth be under the peaceful rule of Neo-King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity?
Neither did she know what compelled her to assume her male civilian identity as Seiya Kou. Maybe she felt more comfortable as a man on this foreign planet, although she knew she ran the risk of being recognized by an old fan, or worse, the paparazzi. Still, the ways of Terran media and entertainment were quite complicated. After all, it had been ten years since the Three Lights had last performed here, so there was a great chance that they had already faded into obscurity.
She - or rather, he, now that he had assumed the Seiya Kou form - did not know what compelled him to walk around the streets of Azabu Juuban aimlessly. He hadn't thought of what he was going to do once he got here, which, in retrospect, was extremely foolish. Maker would have had a fit. But it was no use dwelling over such things. He was here now, and that was what mattered.
He didn't know what had compelled him to walk down a certain street, around a certain corner, and bump into a certain blonde. Still, it didn't stop him from reaching out to grasp the young woman's forearms and steady her, saving her from a nasty fall. Once they had both regained their bearings, he thought it rather ironic that the first person he ran into would be the only one he hadn't figured out how to approach.
Tsukino Usagi merely blinked back at him, her eyes traveling over his broader, fully matured frame, before her face cracked into an impossibly wide grin. Suddenly, all awkwardness flew out of the window, and once more they were teenagers, laughing and joking and feeling like the world was their oyster.
Speaking of which, Seiya Kou found himself asking over a cup of hot chocolate (her treat), whatever happened to Crystal Tokyo? Shouldn't Tsukino Usagi now be the ethereal, all-powerful Neo-Queen Serenity, ruler of the second Silver Millennium and bride of Neo-King Endymion?
Usagi's smile grew a bit hesitant, her eyes briefly sad and vulnerable, before she waved him off with a bright smile. To be completely honest, she admitted over her own steaming cup of cocoa, she didn't know, either. Seiya's eyes glanced over briefly at her bare left hand, and decided to ask no further questions.
He did not know what had compelled him to walk her back home. He reasoned that it was to keep her from endangering any more helpless civilians, and instead of rising to the bait like she used to do, she merely laughed. He smiled back easily, amazed at the changes a decade could do to a person. Not limited to physical changes, of course, although she did grow quite a lot from when he had last seen her.
She was taller and ... filled out all the curves that needed to be filled out (quite well, if he did say so himself). Her face had matured, the childlike softness giving way to the sharper, more mature angles of a woman. Her eyes had aged, too, now holding the wisdom that came with years of experience. She still kept her long, golden hair in the two buns atop her head - a feature that he gladly exploited once again, teasingly calling her by the old nickname that had always flustered her, and still did.
As she hit him for the umpteenth time that day, Seiya decided that she hadn't changed too much after all, and he was glad.
He didn't know what compelled him to stay at the gate as she walked to the front door of her apartment complex. It was a proud accomplishment of hers, to be able to finally live on her own as an independent young woman. No longer did she need to rely completely on her friends and family - although she missed them from time to time and still needed their help every once in a while. The point was that now, she could confidently make her own decisions. She was free.
Seiya felt his heart swell with pride as he looked at her, standing on the snow-covered pavement as she dug through her purse for the keys. His Odango was all grown up now, a far cry from the boisterous teenager that wailed when she scraped her knee or flew into a fit when he teased her.
She must have felt that he was looking at her, for at that moment she looked up, catching his dark blue gaze. He smiled softly at her - not the trademark cocky smile that used to send a million fangirls into a frenzy, but a genuine smile that was reserved only for her. Usagi felt her breath catch in a way that she had not felt in years ... Ten, to be precise.
He did not know what compelled her to fly down the path, kicking snow up with each pounding step, run into his arms and capture his lips with her own in an impossibly delicious kiss that sent warmth shooting throughout his whole body, completely negating the coldness of the winter around them ...
But he didn't really give a damn.