Someone Worth Protecting (Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed/Winry, #21- Extortion)

Sep 28, 2006 19:39

Title: Someone Worth Protecting
Author/Artist: abarero
Pairing: Ed/Winry (also has some Roy/Riza and Ling/Ran Fan)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Theme: # 21- extortion
Disclaimer: I do not own FMA. A wonderful mangaka named Arakawa does. Worship her.
Notes: WYDS (what you didn't see)- takes place during chapters 56-57 of the manga and therefore has spoilers for plot elements in revealed in those chapters.


The car continued on in silence, the two remaining passengers both thinking over the situation at hand. It had become a treacherous web of deceit, lies and blackmail. The Fuhrer held all the cards in his hands now, and he knew each and every weakness to exploit.

For the Flame Alchemist, he held the cards of his loyal subordinates; now scattered to the winds aside from the most precious card which he would hold close at hand.

For the Fullmetal Alchemist, he held the threat of harm to a girl named Winry Rockbell; knowledge of her location a dangerous warning to the boy.

But this was not the time to give up or back down, Roy Mustang assured himself. As Major Armstrong had said only moments before in that very car- this too was a battlefield and none of them planned to run away with their tails between their legs.

Thinking back to the brief words he'd exchanged with the elder Elric brother on exiting the Fuhrer's office, Roy realized there was one more thing he should confirm before going back.

"First Lieutenant, I think I'll be taking the car from here."

The blonde haired woman glanced up, "Colonel?"

"Following up on a loan I've made with one of our shorter alchemists."

Riza smiled, easily reading into the man's words.

"We're almost to my apartment. You can take it from there."

"I can come by later tonight, if you'd like," Roy casually remarked, rubbing the back of his head.

"There's no need to worry about me, Colonel. I can take care of myself."

"Ah... there was more than just concern in that proposition," He sulked.

"But..." Riza paused as she turned onto her street, "If you need to call, I'm sure Elizabeth will be available."

Roy smiled at the alias that had become a small joke between the two. But Riza was right; a rendezvous the night before she officially became the Fuhrer's secretary would be rather suspicious. And right now, he knew he couldn't take a single risk with Riza's safety hanging in the balance.

"Ahh Elizabeth, how I do love talking to her," He murmured, glancing out the window as they pulled to a stop, "She's a very beautiful and charming woman, you know."

Riza paused a moment as she stepped out of the car; a smile creeping onto her features as Roy turned to look at her.

"I'll have to tell her that you have such an appreciation of her, Colonel."

"More than I think she knows, First Lieutenant," He replied, expression turning serious, "Be careful."

"I should be saying that to you."

He caught her hand before the car door closed, "We'll both be careful then."

"Of course."

Roy gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as she let go and headed for the door. His eyes swept the area, still on edge at the Fuhrer's knowledge of the girl in Rush Valley and afraid of what surveillance he had within Central itself.

"Every movement could be watched so easily around here. I suppose I'll have to be cautious if I want to talk with Fullmetal without arousing suspicion..."


The area of town behind the eldest Elric looked brand new, namely because- it mostly was. After fixing up all the damage caused during his battle with Scar, Edward was downright exhausted. The last veranda back in pristine, albeit slightly more gothic architecturally, condition- he was glad to be headed back towards the hotel and a soft bed.

His mind still pondering the facets of alchemy, Edward didn't hear the car pulling up beside him until the familiar voice called out.

"You shouldn't be wandering around like this with Scar still on the loose, Fullmetal."

Ed started, turning to glare at the man seated in the car, "Colonel. If you're here to help me clean up- you're too late. I had to do it all by myself, thank you very much."

"Very responsible of you to clean up your own mess."

The two glared at each other for a moment before Roy gestured to the unoccupied passenger's seat.

"Get in; I'll take you to your hotel."

Raising an eyebrow, Edward realized this was more than just a kindly offer and that the other alchemist wanted to talk in private.

"I suppose since Scar is still out there, it would be safer for me to travel by car," Ed announced loud enough for the military people nearby to overhear.

"Might be a good idea, Fullmetal."

Clambering into the vehicle, Ed and Roy drove in silence until they were well away from any of the military officers still checking the area for Scar's whereabouts. Roy glanced about once more to assure that they weren't being followed or watched before starting up a conversation.


"What do you think?" Edward shot back, slumping down further in the seat.

Roy knew the day had to have been stressful on the teenage boy, but at the same time- he needed to make sure that for the moment everyone was safe. Although, as he rightfully presumed, talking anything hinting at romance with Edward Elric was not always easy.

"I think 520 cenz is just the right amount of a loan for a phone call. Hmm?"

"Tch! That's none of your business..."

Roy shrugged, "It was my money that paid for it, I should know what the money went for- don't you think?"

Edward sulked for a moment, realizing that if he didn't crack that Roy would surely reason that answering his question was only equivalent trade for him loaning the money. Thinking back to his phone call to Rush Valley, Ed frowned once again on not quite understanding Winry's reaction.

"Colonel..." He started; still not sure he wanted to ask Colonel Mustang, of all people, for advice on women.


"Is it normal for girls to get mad at you for being worried?"

Edward coughed lightly, trying to appear casual as he looked out the window and hoped his question wasn't a stupid one.

Roy just smiled, shaking his head, "I take it she's all right then?"

"...Yah. Though apparently I'm creepy for calling to check on her," Ed muttered in reply.

"Consider that a sign that you need to be nice to her more often, Fullmetal."


Frowning as another concern flooded into his mind, Roy turned left- the long way to the hotel- and posed another question.

"Did anyone see you place the call?"

Edward's face fell serious.

"It's desperate moments like this that let you get taken advantage of." Greed's words, coming from Ling's voice, echoed inside his mind.

Roy's eyes widened as he realized that someone did indeed see it, already trying to think and plan a way to assure that person's silence- if it wasn't too late already.


Grimacing as he thought back to it, Ed recounted the situation.

" Greed overheard."

Roy's expression darkened, "So that's what the Fuhrer meant."

"The Fuhrer?"

"Before you came to the room, he casually mentioned that he had strong Xing ally amongst his people now. So the boy has been made into a..."

"He accepted it on his own, in hopes of gaining immortality," Ed explained.

The car fell silent as the grim words weighed down on them. Thinking back to his encounters with this new Greed, Edward's face brightened a little as he forgot one important thing to pass on to the Colonel.

"But, I wouldn't worry about him telling the Fuhrer I called Winry."

"Why's that?"

"Ling's still in there, still conscious of Greed's actions."

"What?" Roy asked in shock.

"When I first fought him, he dropped his guard when I mentioned Ran Fan. And when he saw Al and I at the phone booth, he approached us to deliver her a message on Ling's behalf."

"And this message was?"

"Something he'd written out, I couldn't read it since it was in Xingese. But he thanked us for the favor, so I doubt he'll do anything to harm us for now. As for Ran Fan, Ling won't let her down."

"Won't let her down, hmm?" Roy thought to himself, glad to hear that even if he was now tangled up with the homunculi, the Xing boy was in a position to relate with their problems.

"It sounds like all three of us have a lovely lady to protect now," He remarked, noting how Edward rolled his eyes at the chivalrous comment. Deciding that lightening the mood was definitely in order, Roy casually moved onto the next subject, "That reminds me, how far have you gotten?"

Innocent eyes blinked in confusion, "How far with...?"

"Miss Rockbell, of course," Roy remarked with a grin, "A kiss? A heartfelt confession that you'll return to her someday and sweep her off her feet? Or perhaps..."

Ed's face burned brighter and brighter red until he finally snapped, "Don't get me mixed up with you and your ways, Colonel! We're-we're j-j-just friends, that's-that's all!"

Roy smirked, inwardly laughing at the way the boy stuttered under the direction confrontation.

"Oh, I see. It's just like the movies then; where a dire situation, in your case the blackmail of using her to keep you in the military, has made you realize how deeply you care for her. "

"Colonel..." Edward growled, still shades redder than usual.

"Hit a little too close to home there, Fullmetal?"

Edward coughed, turning his head to the side, "Like you have room to talk. What about the First Lieutenant? You can't tell me that her being assigned as the Fuhrer's secretary doesn't worry you."

"I worry about all my subordinates during this chaos," Roy countered.

"Just one more than the others," Edward retorted, pleased to see Roy's eyes flicker briefly in frustration on having the boy so easily pinpoint his actions.

Glancing up, the Flame Alchemist turned the car down the street of the hotel.

"And here you are," He said, pulling into a parking space.

"Quick to change the subject away from Lieutenant Hawkeye," Ed noted.

But Roy was quick to counter it, "As are you with a certain Miss Rockbell."

The two glared, daring the other to say more. Finally shrugging it off, Edward opened the door and got out.

"Don't sulk around too much without her, Colonel," He remarked; half-joking, half-serious.

Roy smiled, "And don't waste your entire budget on phone calls to Rush Valley. I can't write it all off as mechanical questions."

An unspoken understanding settled between the two as Edward closed the car door behind him. Walking past the driver's side, Roy called him back over.

"One more thing, Fullmetal," He waited a moment to scan the area for suspicious onlookers as Ed drifted a bit closer to the car's window.


"Be careful, for everyone's sake," Roy whispered, then remembering one more thing, he added, "Oh- and Major Armstrong is on our side. Remember that."

Ed nodded, grinning a bit cheekily, "That was two things, Colonel."

"Very funny, Fullmetal. Go get some sleep."

"Same to you."

And as Edward Elric's back disappeared into the hotel's front doors, Roy couldn't help shaking his head. Mind mulling over their conversation, he decided he'd swing by a phone booth and give a certain Elizabeth a call.

Starting up the car's engine and pulling away, he mussed to himself.

"It's even harder if you love them, isn't it- Fullmetal?"

Author's Notes: Yes, there's lots of Roy in this one- but I couldn't resist having him and Ed have a talk about their ladies. (And namely, I couldn't help but let Roy embarrass Ed about Winry.) XD;

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