Title: Kiss and Run
Author: fireblazie
Pairing: Heiji/Kazuha
Fandom: Detective Conan
Theme: #9, dash
Disclaimer: I don't own Detective Conan. Am just borrowing the characters for a bit!
Heiji stared.
There was something awfully, awfully wrong with this scene. Like, really, seriously wrong. Like, mouse chasing cat wrong (Heiji took a moment to grimace at the simile). Or something.
“Hei-chan,” Kaito said, with about as much innocence as the devil himself, “why are you kissing Kazuha-san?”
Heiji: !!!!
And before any of them could so much as blink, Heiji had abruptly pushed himself off of the ponytailed girl, stared at her for all of three seconds, and dashed off as fast as his legs could carry him.
Kaito blinked. “Interesting…”
The moment he stepped into his room, he slammed the door shut, ignoring his mother’s concerned calls. He was wide-eyed and frazzled and he couldn’t think and oh gosh he had actually just kissed Kazuha and that was just crazy and downright freaking wrong…
But - gah! That was just weird on some many levels! How had this even come to happen, anyway? It wasn’t like he’d meant to kissed her, or wanted to kiss her, or -
So how had it happened? He certainly hadn’t gone out of his way to - k - k - ki - kiss her… all he knew was that Kaito had decided to make his grand entrance with one of his flashbombs, and in the dust and cloud and smoke, he hadn’t been able to see where he was going, so…
Heiji rummaged in his closet for his katana. Kuroba Kaito was a dead man.
In his oh-so-innocent hunt for the magician, however, Heiji found himself faced with an obstacle. And not just any old obstacle, folks, we’re talking big-fat-freaking-pain-in-the-ass obstacle.
This obstacle had a name.
Toyama Kazuha.
Heiji eep-ed.
So, Heiji was a strong guy. Totally not a wimp. Totally. Because he was brilliant, darn it, an intelligent and just downright really really smart guy. Heck, he was known throughout Japan as one of the most sharp-witted detectives ever to grace the planet.
And he was running away from a girl.
Damn it all to hell.
“Kazuha,” he tried, “I have to go and kill someone. Okay?”
“Not before I kill you,” she growled, voice growing louder and louder as she drew closer, “now. What the hell have you been on?”
Heiji winced at the volume of her voice, “I am not on anything.”
“Really? Could’ve fooled me.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “We need to talk.”
Oh, god.
“I have to go,” he said, “bye.”
And he ran off again.
“This is entirely all your fault,” the green-eyed teenager seethed, dangerously close to stabbing the blue-eyed magician with his katana. “Who in the world uses flash bombs as a method of transportation?”
“I thought it would be fun,” Kaito said, meekly.
“Oho,” Heiji growled, “fun? I just accidentally kissed my best friend because of you and you think that I’m having fun?”
“Well, that’s the idea. Usually, when you kiss someone, you -“
Heiji glared.
Kaito grinned from ear to ear and switched subjects. “She’s pissed off at you, isn’t she?”
Heiji narrowed his eyes. “What makes you say that?”
“Well.” Kaito blinked. “I’m not that stupid. And you’re not either - oh. You are, aren’t you?”
Heiji scowled, and was well on his way to unsheathing his katana when Kaito eyed the gesture apprehensively and quickly went on, “well, you see, you… erm, kissed and ran.”
Heiji’s rage dissipated. “What?”
“You kissed her. And than ran. Dashed off. Madly. It was actually quite funny.”
“So?” Heiji said, blinking curiously.
Kaito’s Poker Face slipped off for just a fraction of a second - “Well, obviously, she’s not very pleased. If she kissed you and ran off, what would you think?”
Kaito facefaulted. “You’re hopeless.”
Somewhere in the discussion, Heiji caught the words “be nice”, “gentleman”, “flowers”, and “don’t talk.” He wasn’t very sure what he was supposed to make out of it.
Walking down the streets, Heiji began to get a bad feeling.
Ugh. Crap.
She had been ranting for about fifteen minutes now. Heiji really couldn’t understand what the deal was. So he’d accidentally kissed her. It wasn’t like he’d meant for it to happen or anything.
And he certainly hadn’t liked it, either.
“So, tell me.” She had her hands on her hips and was glaring at him furiously. “Why did you run? Did you not like it? I’m not worthy of the almighty Hattori Heiji, famous Detective of the West? Seriously. Tell me.”
Heiji had had enough of this.
“I don’t know why I ran.”
That hadn’t been the answer she was expecting, evidently. She stared at up, surprised. “What?”
“I guess… I was… afraid?” He scratched at the back of his head, nervous. “Fight or flight, you know? And… erm, I flew.”
“You flew.”
She sighed, and he caught a glimpse of an almost hurt and pained expression on her face. And - oh, damn it all, he’d been the cause of that expression, hadn’t he?
He came closer.
He kissed her. And this time, he didn’t run.