Title: A Man's Man Author/Artist: automailvariant Pairing: Roy/Ed/Pride Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Rating: G Notes: When Ed reads stories, he totally does the voices. Just sayin'.
Random fact for the day: pink was the color for baby boys before America came in and screwed things up. And blue was for girls. Something to do with pink being a softer tint of red for power and strength and blue representing the Virgin Mary.
I'm still stuck on the image of a little Havoc running around in makeshift superhero uniform. Go Havoc!
*nods* Ed would so do the voices. Romeo and Juliet, though? My brain does spasms of giddy laughter.
I do laundry Edward's way. XD I love the chase scene! And it's frighteningly easy to imagine Roy in pink... there was a fad in pink men's shirts in Taiwan last year, and Roy would've fit right in. XD
Comments 5
I'm still stuck on the image of a little Havoc running around in makeshift superhero uniform. Go Havoc!
*nods* Ed would so do the voices. Romeo and Juliet, though? My brain does spasms of giddy laughter.
Someone will have to draw it. *nodnod* I already have too many drawing projects to do. >>
It was the only thing I could think of. Besides. Ed likes Mercutio. They're both only slightly insane. >3
Roy seekritly wears pink socks.
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