Eighteenth Flutter [Video/Action for Goldenrod.]

Dec 17, 2011 13:26

[When the ponies found Pinkie was gone, they were of course very sad. Fluttershy decided, in her honor, to bake a big, delicious chocolate cake, and in the spirit's of Hearth's Warming Eve, she is outside, sitting on a bench, and cutting up pieces to give to anyone who comes her way, with some help from Ladybird the Ledian. The cake has bright pink ( Read more... )

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text; striderismo December 20 2011, 21:44:07 UTC
hearths warming eve sounds way cooler than christmas
sounds fucking warm is what it sounds
im celebrating that shit from now on


text; 3_butterflies December 20 2011, 21:50:16 UTC
[it takes her a bit to text. fingers are complicated, man.]

It is a holiday from my world. it is all about friendship.


text; striderismo December 21 2011, 00:32:29 UTC
friendship is cool i guess
is it a warm holiday
like is there actual warming of hearths involved
with fire and shit


text; 3_butterflies December 21 2011, 00:34:05 UTC
I did not mean literally! Your hearth, your home, is with your friends. So you feel warmth in your heart too.


text; striderismo December 21 2011, 00:38:52 UTC
warmth in your heart doesnt suck
but i need some warmth on my fucking skin man
do you guys have a holiday about staying the hell warm and hating snow or something


text; 3_butterflies December 21 2011, 00:40:12 UTC
You could go in the Pokemon center, they are very warm.


text; striderismo December 21 2011, 01:04:29 UTC
yeah and sometimes the nurse joys feed you
but what i really need is a whole holiday dedicated to fuck snow
i might just make one


text; 3_butterflies December 21 2011, 01:07:54 UTC
I do not know how to make a holiday. Can you really do that?


text; striderismo December 21 2011, 01:16:47 UTC
just gotta get enough people to celebrate it or whatever i guess
pretty sure theres gotta be enough people around here who hate winter to make it a legit holiday


text; 3_butterflies December 21 2011, 01:21:11 UTC
I am sorry, I do not think I can help you. I like winter.


text; striderismo December 21 2011, 01:24:54 UTC
hey whatever sails your friendship
im just not a fan of frostbite


text; 3_butterflies December 21 2011, 01:28:01 UTC
We do have a holiday called Winter Wrap Up. That is when we clean up winter and have spring come.


text; striderismo December 21 2011, 01:54:54 UTC
i dont even like cleaning but that sounds goddamn glorious
when you guys do winter wrap up you should call me
ill totally help celebrate that shit


text; 3_butterflies December 21 2011, 01:57:54 UTC
wow, really? That is so very nice of you. Thank you very much.


text; striderismo December 27 2011, 21:47:50 UTC
always happy to help when it means getting rid of fucking snow
should i like bring a shovel or some shit
a snowblower

no fuck that ive got like a zillion fire pokemon
well just melt all that shit


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