Master and Hound by joolabee
Sherlock/John, John/Mary // PG-13 // Author's summary: It feels so obvious. It’s not in the wrinkles of his clothes or the colour of his teeth or even hiding in his nail beds, but it might as well be.
This is Sherlock being all sad and longing for John and John being married to Mary and completely clueless. It's a premise that can go really wrong if handled badly, but one I love when it's handled well as it is here. I like the tone of the story and the style the author wrote it in a lot. The little snippets of things about how much a giraffe's heart weighs, the sounds lonely whales make and flies being in love interspersed between the rest is really cool and very Sherlock Holmes.
Upon the Removal of a Finish by ASongofSixpence
Sherlock/John, John/Mary, Sherlock/Irene // G // Author's summary: And it's sad because what John doesn’t know is this: It was never a suicide note. It was a love letter.
Similar story premise to the one above. This is done differently, but also done well. Sherlock pines from afar here rather than dealing with it right in front of him all the time. It's interesting. I also fully support the idea of John decking him a few times once he finds out he's alive--in canon, but it works in fic, too. I like the UST of this as well, how they don't just hop into bed together once Sherlock's not dead and John knows. I like him still not getting what he wanted, but being okay with that.
Back in the Day by KeelieThompson1
Sherlock/John, Sherlock/OMC, others mentioned // NC-17 // Author's summary: A Johnlock story set while John is at university and an AU in that this time Sherlock is the one who's a few years older and is trying to find something to keep his interest in London after getting bored and being thrown out of Uni.
I really loved this. It's incredibly long, I mean like novel length, so be aware of that and set aside the time to read it. There's really so much to this because it's so long that I can't begin to list what I liked about it without spoiling it completely. I enjoyed the whole thing, though I will say the author badly needed an editor for the first half of the story. There are typos, but they're not that big a deal and they can be ignored. I applaud the author for the way she handled the drug use and abuse throughout the story. I've read a lot of stories where authors mess it up or pretty it up or wave a magic writer wand and fix the drug addicted character for the sake of a happy ending. That isn't how it happened here and I really loved that. Some really awful things happen because of the drugs, it causes problems, the drug addict promises to change and then really doesn't and so on. It's also very in character to me most of the time. I also liked the original characters through the story. They were developed and actually good characters, not a mary sue among them. There is a sequel which I haven't read yet that I am not ashamed to say terrifies me. I've read a lot of good stories with terrible sequels and I hope it isn't one of those.